Home → Maine Bird Atlas → About → Sponsors
The majority of funding for the Maine Bird Atlas has largely been supplied by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife through the federal Pittman-Robertson Fund program. Additional financial support and donated materials, however, have enabled us to deploy hundreds of nest boxes around the state, hire additional technicians to atlas some of the most remote and least traveled to parts of the state, fund travel grants for volunteers to encourage individuals to explore more of our beautiful state while filling in gaps in coverage, and focus on special species’ survey efforts.
We especially want to recognize the following for their support of the project by making either large financial contributions or donating time and materials to the project.
Many Thanks to:
- Harold and Mona Brewer
- Downeast Audubon
- York County Audubon
- Doug and Susan Williams
- Maine Marine Patrol
For Nightjar Project Support:
- William P. Wharton Trust
- Davis Conservation Foundation
- John Sage Foundation
For Nest Box Project Support:
- North American Bluebird Society
- Hammond Lumber
- LaPointe Lumber
- Maine Department of Corrections
- Mara Silver Swallow Conservation
If you are able to make a financial contribution to the atlas, please visit the Support our Project page for ways you can help.