Naloxone Leave Behind Training Compliance

As of December 1st, 2021, Maine EMS clinicians have had the ability to provide a naloxone kit for patients encountered by EMS for a suspected opiate overdose as a life-saving measure in the event of a future overdose. The percentage of patients suspected of an opiate overdose and being offered a naloxone kit remained less than 20% during that initial two-year period. Therefore, on December 1st, 2023, the Medical Direction and Practices Board updated Maine EMS protocol to make offering a naloxone kit to these patients the standard of care.

Since the new standard of care has been in effect, we have improved, but only 52% of patients suspected of experiencing an opiate overdose have been offered a naloxone kit. To encourage and support EMS clinicians providing a life-saving measure as effective as naloxone the Maine legislature has passed a new law, effective July 1, 2024, requiring EMS clinicians to "administer and dispense naloxone in compliance with protocols and training ..."  

CHAPTER 2-B, MAINE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ACT OF 1982 § 85 Emergency Medical Services Persons (8) on July 1, 2024, will read, “Naloxone hydrochloride.  An emergency medical services person licensed under this chapter shall administer and dispense naloxone hydrochloride in compliance with protocols and training developed in accordance with this chapter.”  

Title 32, §85.8 : Emergency medical persons 

If you have already completed your required Naloxone Leave Behind Protocol training in a timely manner, thank you. Know that your front-line efforts help support our global approach to avoidable overdose deaths in the State of Maine.  

Maine EMS has sent notifications out (5/2022, 10/2022, and 8/2023, along with the Newsletter Update 5/2024) as a reminder to complete this important and required training. 

As of today, approximately half of Maine EMS Licensed Providers have still not completed this training. Not being trained on the most current scope and protocols can impact our patients. With these timelines and requirements in mind, Maine EMS will produce a list of providers that remain non-compliant with Naloxone training as of July 1st for the EMS Board. 

DO NOT DELAY. If you have not completed the Naloxone Leave Behind Training, you are out of compliance. Please complete your training as soon as possible, and absolutely before the deadline of June 30. If you have any issues with your MEMSED Log-in or accessing the training- please contact our office ASAP and we will help. 

Thank you in advance for your attention to this important issue.


Naloxone Leave Behind Training Compliance (PDF) (6/21/24)