Trauma Advisory Committee

Membership and Meetings

Since 1992, the Trauma Advisory Committee (TAC) has developed an organized System of trauma care to reduce morbidity and mortality from the most serious injuries and assure equally appropriate care for all other injuries. Meetings are held quarterly on the 4th Tuesday in the months of January, April, July and October at 12:30 PM.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of those portions that may be conducted in executive session in accordance with Maine Law 32 M.R.S.A. § 90-A(3) and 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(E) & (F)

All meetings are held at Maine EMS, 45 Commerce Drive, Suite 1, Augusta, ME 04333.  Meetings are typically held in the Champlain conference room.  Directions are located here.


A variety of resources related to the Maine EMS trauma system can be found here.

TAC Members

The Chairperson of the TAC is Rick Petrie. 
The Maine EMS Trauma Program Manager is vacant

Member TAC Representative Role Representing
Chris Whytock EMS Board Maine EMS Board
J. Matthew Sholl, MD, MPH State EMS Medical Director* Maine EMS MDPB
Amy Fenwick, MD Surgeon NL - Eastern Maine Medical Center
Vacant Surgeon  
Vacant Surgeon  
Bryan Morse, MD Surgeon Maine Medical Center
Peter Tilney, DO ED Physician Central Maine Medical Center
Vacant ED Physician  
Wil O'Neal State EMS Director Maine EMS
Tonya Brown, RN ED Nurse St. Joseph Hospital
Vacant Critical Care Nurse  
Cynthia Richards, MD Trauma Rehab Specialist Central Maine Medical Center
Joanne LeBrun, EMT Regional EMS Councils Tri-County EMS
Thomas Judge, CCT-P Air Ambulance Service Lifeflight of Maine
Chris Paré, NRP EMS Provider Northstar
Benjamin Zetterman, AEMT EMS Provider Van Buren EMS
Vacant Small Hospital Administrator  
Jonnathan Busko, MD Medium Hospital Administrator St. Joseph Hospital
Mindy Gammon, RN Large Hospital Administrator NL - Mercy Hospital
Chris Costello, RN Maine Hospital Association Mount Desert Island Hospital
Vacant Trauma Care System User  
Tammy LaChance, RN Trauma Program Manager* Central Maine Medical Center
Julie Ontengco, DNP Trauma Program Manager* Maine Medical Center
Gary Ringling Trauma Program Manager* NL - Eastern Maine Medical Center
Rick Petrie, Paramedic At Large* Atlantic Partners EMS
Christopher Turner, MD At Large* Maine Medical Center Pediatrics
Support Staff    
Vacant Trauma Program Manager** Maine EMS
Ashley Moody, MSN, FNP-C, EMT-P Staff Liaison** Maine EMS

*Positions adopted by the Committee beyond those positions defined in statute (Title 32 Chapter 2-B, section 87-1, subsection 2) but added to TAC bylaws on 4/27/21 and approved by Maine EMS Board on May 5, 2021

**non-voting position, designated by the Director of Maine EMS

List updated on 1/26/2023