Quality Improvement Committee

Membership and Meetings

The Quality Improvement Committee, through its review of quality markers within the Maine EMS system, guides education initiatives and best practices at the local, regional and State level. Meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 1:30 PM.

The provision of emergency medical services is at the crossroads of the community’s healthcare system, its public health system, and its public safety system. In this unique role, EMS providers routinely work side by side with other medical professionals from various hospital, medical, and clinic environments, as well as with their counterparts from fire, rescue and law enforcement disciplines. Regardless of the type of organization that provides prehospital emergency medical response, the prevailing factor we must always acknowledge is that EMS is a patient care entity.  As such, providers and agencies must be willing and able to engage in quality improvement activities, as do all other healthcare professionals, to ensure that patients receive timely medical care from well-trained and competent individuals.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of those portions that may be conducted in executive session in accordance with Maine Law 32 M.R.S.A. § 90-A(3) and 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(E) & (F)

All meetings are held at Maine EMS, 45 Commerce Drive, Suite 1, Augusta, ME 04333.  Meetings are typically held in the Champlain conference room.  Directions are located here.


A variety of resources related to Maine EMS Quality Improvement can be found here.

Committee Members

The Chair of the QI Committee is Chip Getchell. 

Name Position
Matt Sholl, MD State EMS Medical Director
Kate Zimmerman, DO Associate State EMS Medical Director
Beth Collamore, MD Medical Direction and Practices Board Member
Ben Zetterman Aroostook EMS Region Representative
Oliver MacKenzie Kennebec Valley EMS Region Representative
Jon Powers Mid Coast EMS Region Representative
Vacant Northeastern Maine Region Representative
Brian Langerman Southern Maine EMS Region Representative
Joanne LeBrun Tri-County EMS Region Representative
Dwight Corning Hospital Quality Improvement Representative
Vacant Non-Transporting EMS Service Representative
Chip Getchell Transporting EMS Service Representative
Melinda Dyer EMD Representative
Stephen Smith At Large Representative
Robert Sharkey At Large Representative
Alan Henschke At Large Representative
Support Staff (non-voting)  
Jason Oko Maine EMS Data & Preparedness Coordinator