Boards & Committees

Please note that many Maine EMS board and committee meetings are held virtually for ease of access and statewide equity. The public is invited to participate via computer/tablet or by phone.  Visit the Maine EMS homepage and click on the desired meeting on the website calendar.  The notes will have the information on how to connect to the scheduled meeting.  Maine EMS uses the Zoom meeting platform and/or Microsoft Teams for online meetings. Although not required, users may download the Zoom meeting application for their device by visiting the Zoom Resource page.

All meetings are open to the public, with the exception of those portions that may be conducted in executive session in accordance with Maine Law 32 M.R.S. § 90-A(3) and 1 M.R.S. § 405(6)(E) & (F)

All meetings are normally held at Maine EMS, 45 Commerce Drive, Champlain Conference Room, Augusta, ME 04333.  The start time varies by meeting, please check the website calendar to confirm start time and meeting date.  Directions are located here.

Apply for Vacant Committee & Board Positions

To apply for an open position on a Maine EMS Committee or Board, please complete an online application.  Positions may have varying requirements and/or approval methods.  For more information, please contact the chair of the committee/Board you are interested in, the Maine EMS staff liaison (both are listed on the individual committee/board webpage below) or contact Maine EMS.

Boards & Committees

Board of Emergency Medical Services: The Board of Emergency Medical Services is the regulatory authority of the EMS System.

Investigations Committee: The Investigations Committee is the subcommittee of the Maine EMS Board that reviews pending investigations involving EMS providers and provides recommendations on case resolutions to the Maine EMS.  The majority of these meetings are held in executive session.

LD2105 Committee: A stakeholder group implemented March 18, 2020 by legislative order LD2105, "An Act To Protect Consumers From Surprise Emergency Bills" (PDF) to review issues related to reimbursement rates for ambulance services. The committee’s purpose was to provide a report and recommendations to the Maine Legislative standing committee on health coverage no later than February 1, 2021 (Sec. 4. 24-A MRSA §4320-C). The Committee completed its work December 1, 2021.

EMS Labor Committee: A stakeholder group implemented December 2, 2020 by the Maine EMS Board to review workforce retention, quality and satisfaction in the EMS system workforce across Maine. The Committee completed its work December 1. 2020.

EMS Financial Health Committee: The EMS Financial Health Committee was a stakeholder group implemented in 2022 by legislative order LD1258, "An  Act To  Implement the Recommendations of  the Stakeholder Group  Convened  by  the Emergency Medical  Services'  Board  Related  to Reimbursement  Rates for Ambulance Services by  Health Insurance Carriers and  To  Improve Participation  of  Ambulance Service Providers in  Carrier Networks" (PDF) (and the LD1258 Fiscal Note (PDF)) to review issues related to financial health and costs of ambulance service providers and the delivery of services by ambulance service providers in this State, including issues related to the medical necessity and reasonableness of ambulance services. The Committee completed its work December 13, 2022.

Awards Sub-Committee is an ad hoc sub-committee of the Board charged with reviewing the annual Maine EMS award nominees and submissions to make recommendations to the Board.  Please call 207-626-3860 for information about the date and time of the next meeting

Rules Sub-Committee is an ad hoc sub-committee of the Board charged with reviewing the Maine EMS Rules and making Rules change recommendations to the Board.  Please call 207-626-3860 for information about the date and time of the next meeting.

Medical Direction & Practices Board: The Medical Direction and Practices Board (MDPB) consists of the state EMS medical director, the associate state medical director, six regional medical directors, a pharmacist/toxicologist, a pediatric physician, a Maine licensed ALS provider, a Maine licensed BLS provider and a representative of the Maine Chapter of the American College of Emergency Medicine (ACEP).

Community Paramedicine Advisory Committee: The Community Paramedicine (CP) Advisory Committee is comprised of 13 stakeholders of the EMS and CP system. 

Data Advisory Committee: The Maine EMS Data Committee is an advisory committee of the EMS Board. The committee’s purpose is to provide recommendations about EMS data collection and analysis with respect to meeting national standards and local need.

Education Advisory Committee: The Education Advisory Committee is comprised of EMS educators from around the State. The Committee recommends education best practices and policies to the Maine EMS Board.

Emergency Medical Dispatch Advisory Committee: The Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Advisory Committee advises the Maine EMS Board about EMD issues and recommendations affecting the State’s licensed EMD Centers and Emergency Medical Dispatchers. 

EMS for Children Advisory Committee: The Maine EMS for Children (EMS-C) Advisory Committee is a federally funded program aimed at improving health outcomes for those 18 years old and younger. By collaborating between pre-hospital EMS providers and hospital providers, the Committee aims to improve education, assessment, treatment and transport of some of our most vulnerable patients. Meetings are held quarterly.

Exam Advisory Committee: The Exam Advisory Committee provides oversight to the State’s licensing exam process and provides information and recommendations to the Maine EMS Board.  This committee was merged with the Education Committee on November 15, 2022. 

Inter-Facility Transport Advisory Committee: Aimed at improving the transport of patients of all ages during non-911 medical needs. Moving patients to acute care hospitals from smaller critical access facilities, to the "routine" transport of non-emergency patients who need higher levels of care and transport to the emergency movement of patients throughout Maine and beyond. 

Quality Assurance & Improvement Advisory Committee: The Quality Assurance and Improvement (QA&I) Advisory Committee, through its review of quality markers within the Maine EMS system, guides education initiatives and best practices at the local, regional and State level.

Trauma Advisory Committee: Since 1992, the Maine EMS (MEMS) Trauma Advisory Committee (TAC) has developed an organized System of trauma care to reduce morbidity and mortality from the most serious injuries and assure equally appropriate care for all other injuries.