New public awareness campaign supports parents and caregivers in Maine

The Maine Child Welfare Action Network and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services partner with parents to launch the Be There for ME website and campaign

AUGUSTA, Maine (July 23, 2024) – The Maine Child Welfare Action Network (MCWAN) and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announced today the launch of Be There for ME, a new campaign designed to support parents and caregivers in Maine. Be There for ME aims to reduce the stigma of asking for help and provides a judgement-free place for parents and caregivers to start to find support.

MCWAN and DHHS developed Be There for ME over the past year in partnership with a diverse group of parents and caregivers, as well as many community organizations. This process included focus groups to inform the campaign’s initial message, ongoing collaboration on the development of the campaign materials, and a launch event this morning at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick. The campaign reflects the types of support parents and caregivers of children of all ages said they need and how they spoke about their experiences.

Be There for ME emphasizes that everyone from state and community organizations to neighbors, friends, and professionals has a role to play in supporting families.

“There is information and support out there that can help make the experience of parenting feel better,” said one parent who participated in the development of the campaign. “That is the most important message, I think: for parents to know that they’re not alone.”

“Being a parent is hard. And too often, parents feel unsupported as they navigate this challenging role.” said Melissa Hackett of MCWAN. “Everyone needs help sometimes, and it’s on all of us to recognize how we can be there for the parents and caregivers in our communities.”

“Seeking help as a parent or caregiver can feel daunting, but it’s an act of strength,” said Sara Gagné-Holmes, Acting Commissioner of DHHS. “Whether parents or caregivers in Maine are looking for help with food, transportation, child care, stress, or other needs for themselves or a loved one, Be There for ME makes it easier to find the support. We all have a role to play in strengthening families in Maine.”

The new Be There for ME website,, connects parents and caregivers to resources to start to find support for family needs–including housing, getting everyday items, child care, and dealing with stress. Available in 12 languages, the website is designed to welcome parents, caregivers, and all those who are there for them by encouraging them to take the first step toward support even if they’re not sure where to go.

Along with the resources listed for parents and caregivers, a toolkit is also available on the website with materials for anyone in the community to download and print to spread the word.

The Be There for ME campaign includes Facebook and Instagram pages supporting the initiative and advertisements across broadcast, digital media, and print platforms in Maine.

This campaign is part of Maine’s Child Safety and Family Well-Being Plan, created by DHHS and MCWAN to keep children safe by keeping families strong.

To learn more about Be There for ME or find support, visit