By The Numbers - Office for Family Independence (OFI)



Office for Family Independence (OFI)


Number of visits to the Office for Family Independence statewide – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: The total number of visits to OFI Offices statewide.

Percent of Calls Answered – Aggregation: Average

  • Metric Explanation: The percent of Incoming Calls that were answered by the Office for Family Independence.

Average Phone Call Answer Time – Aggregation: Average

  • Metric Explanation: The average time (in minutes : seconds) for the Office for Family Independence to pick up an incoming phone call.

Number of Applications Received – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: The total number of applications received by the Office for Family Independence.

Number of Completed Recertifications – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: The total number of program recertifications completed by the Office for Family Independence.


MaineCare Participation

  • Metric Explanation: The number of people participating in the MaineCare program. This includes members with all full and limited benefits, including state-funded services. The figure excludes MaineRX, DEL, and CDC enrollment. It also excludes retroactive enrollment.

    MaineCare provides free and low-cost health insurance to Mainers who meet certain requirements, based on household compensation and income.

    There are also additional options for people with disabilities and certain health conditions, young adults who have been in foster care, and those who need long-term care.

SNAP Participation 

  • Metric Definition: The monthly total number of people participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

    SNAP provides a monthly benefit to help low-income households purchase nutritious food.

TANF Participation 

  • Metric Explanation: The monthly total number of people participating in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

    TANF provides cash assistance to families while they work towards becoming self-sufficient. Once enrolled in TANF, you may also be eligible for help receiving job training and education.

ASPIRE Participation 

  • Metric Explanation: The total number of participants across all ASPIRE programs. The total number of participants is an aggregate and has not been de-duplicated for individuals who participated in multiple programs.

    ASPIRE helps TANF recipients move towards financial independence through case management, job training, education, support and employment services.


Disability Determination Services (DDS) Claims Processed – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: The total number of Disability Determination Services (DDS) claims processed. These values are published by the Social Security Administration on a quarterly basis.

DSER: Child Support Disbursements – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: The total dollar amounts (millions) of child support disbursements collected by the Division of Support Enforcement and Recovery (DSER). This metric is recorded at the monthly level but is published on a quarterly basis.


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