By The Numbers - Division of Licensing and Certification (DLC)




Number of ASPEN Complaints – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation:  The number of complaints received about facility types (either Hospital or Nursing) in Maine.

    This illustrates the number of complaints received about certain facility types in Maine (either Hospital or Nursing facilities). ASPEN is a federal database where complaints are logged and tracked. The Division of Licensing and Certification is the federally designated entity that accepts, tracks, and investigates complaints at hospitals and nursing facilities in Maine. This metric is important to see if complaints increase or decrease over time.

Number of Cases: Behavioral Health Programs/Facilities – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: This illustrates the number of Behavioral Health facility cases opened following a complaint. Not all complaints will be opened into a full case or investigation, only those that require further examination. Employee assistance programs and mental health agencies also fall under the Behavioral Health category for the Division of Licensing and Certification.

Number of Cases: Assisted Housing Programs/Facilities – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: This illustrates the number of assisted housing and residential care facility cases opened following a complaint. Not all complaints will be opened into a case, only those that require further investigation. An Assisted Living program is a facility that offers services to residents in private apartments. There are two types of Assisted Living programs. Type I provides only medication administration, and type II provides medication administration and nursing services. A Residential Care Facility is a facility that offers services to residents in private, or semi-private, bedrooms. Some Residential Care Facilities that receive MaineCare funding are known as Private Non-Medical Institutions (PNMIs) and are governed by a separate set of rules. Rules governing Assisted Living programs and Residential Care Facilities can be found here:

    This metric is important to see if complaints increase or decrease over time.


Initial Background Checks: Number of Background Checks Completed and Number of Disqualifications based on Background Checks – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: This illustrates the number of completed requested background checks done monthly at the Maine Background Check Center (MBCC). Background checks are required for certain occupations that work with vulnerable Mainers in healthcare settings or at home. Some criminal convictions can prevent workers from working in these specific settings. Maine law requires some individuals to receive a background check before being hired for work in long-term care settings.

Rap Back (Constant Monitoring): Number of Notifications and Number of Disqualifications based on Rap Back Notifications – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: This illustrates the number of notices received about a previously checked individual. This happens when a previously checked individual now has a change in their background reporting, which may or may not disqualify them from working in certain health settings.


Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs): In and Out of State, Initial Registration and Total Number of Licenses – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: This illustrates the number of Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) with residency in Maine vs. those outside of Maine (indicating those who travel to Maine to work). CNAs work in multiple healthcare settings and help consumers with their activities of daily living – such as dressing, eating, or bathing. Many CNAs will come into Maine to work for a short period but hold residency in another state. Knowing how many CNAs come into Maine to work tells us about workforce shortages we are experiencing here in Maine.

Temporary Nursing Agencies (TNAs): Number of Licenses, Closed and Registrations – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: This illustrates the number of Temporary Nursing Agency registrations (TNAs) (active or new agencies) vs. those closing or not renewing license. TNAs provide short-term staffing for many different roles in the healthcare field, such as nurses, therapists, or CNAs. During the pandemic, TNAs grew rapidly, helpaing fill many needed vacancies in the healthcare field. Knowing if the growth of TNAs continues is important for understanding Maine’s healthcare workforce needs.

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