By The Numbers - Constituent Services (CS)


FOAA Data:

Number of Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) Requests

  • Metric Explanation: The Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) is a state statute that is intended to open the government of Maine by guaranteeing access to the “public records” and “public proceedings” of state and local government bodies and agencies.

    This data consists of the yearly number of Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requests submitted to the Department and the time it took to gather the responsive records.

    You can submit an FOAA request for Maine DHHS by going to the FOAA Request Form, and to learn more about FOAA, visit the Maine Freedom of Access Page.

Number of Pending Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) Requests

  • Metric Explanation: The number of FOAA requests from the previous year left pending.

Staff Hours spent working on Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) Requests

  • Metric Explanation:  The total number of hours in a year that the department spent working on FOAA requests.

Fees Charged (Dollars $)

  • Metric Explanation: The total number ($) of fees that the Department charged in a year.

Constituent Services’ Inquiries:

Number of Inquiries submitted through the Inquiry Form – Aggregation: Sum

  • Metric Explanation: The number of questions and comments regarding any Maine DHHS service or program submitted through the DHHS inquiry form.

    If you wish to submit a question or comment concerning any DHHS service or program, please fill in the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Constituent Services Inquiry Form. You can choose to submit an inquiry anonymously or provide your name and contact information.

    To report child abuse or neglect call 1-800-452-1999 (deaf and hard of hearing individuals should dial 711 for the Maine Relay). Intake caseworkers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Reports of child abuse and neglect can be made confidentially or anonymously.


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