Date posted:
The Maine CDC Health Inspection Program is proposing to update and clarify safety and wellness standards for its Rules Relating to Boys, Girls, Boys and Girls, Day Camps and Primitive and Trip Camping (10-144 CMR Ch. 208), which was last updated in 2007. The Department is proposing to change the rule title, add and clarify definitions, incorporate application, licensing and enforcement provisions and requirements from its Administration and Enforcement of Establishments Regulated by the Health Inspection Program Rule (Ch. 201), as well as clarify safety standards for swimming, adventure challenge activities, trip camping, farm animals, subsurface wastewater disposal systems, fire safety, drinking water, certified food protection managers, water temperature for hand washing, health supervisors, standing orders, medication protocols, notifiable conditions and diseases, ensuring proper background checks, hiring and training of staff, supervision ratios for campers, and transportation protocols. In addition, the Department is proposing to clarify the prohibition against abuse, neglect, hazing and bullying, which includes but is not limited to requiring camps to establish and maintain policies that prevent child abuse and neglect, as well as train staff on how to respond to and report allegations or observations of abuse, neglect, hazing or bullying. CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS FILING (include name, mailing address, telephone, fax, TTY, e-mail): Andrew Hardy, 11 SHS-286 Water Street, Augusta, ME 04333-0011,(207) 287-4490;
Office: Maine CDC
Routine technical
Public hearing: -
Meeting location:
Monday, March 10, 2025. 9 AM to 11 AM, 109 Capitol Street, Augusta Maine, Conference Rooms A & B.
Comment deadline: