Notice of Rule Adoption: 10-144 CMR Chapter 269, Self-Contained Breath Alcohol Testing Equipment Rule

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The Department adopted amendments to Maine’s Rules Governing Self-Contained Breath Alcohol Testing Equipment to coincide with the expiration of the current rule adopted on an emergency basis and effective on May 28, 2024. (5 MRS 8054(3)). Consistent with the proposed rule, this routine technical rule qualifies the use of a dry gas standard, ensuring that testing equipment for calibrating units under 10-144 CMR Chapter 269 remains current with industry practice for performing accuracy checks and calibration adjustments on most evidential breath alcohol testing instruments. The adopted rule reflects the amended title, "Self-Contained Breath Alcohol Testing Equipment Rule,” and includes the minor changes that correct clerical errors and update the rule structure to conform with agency standards.

EFFECTIVE DATE: Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Office: Maine CDC

Routine technical

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