MC 307A - Medicare Savings Program Income Eligibility Changes

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The adopted rule effectuates the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) increases in the MaineCare Eligibility Manual, Part 8, Medicare Savings Program (Buy-In) and are based on a legislative change to 22 M.R.S. § 3174-LLL made by P.L. 2023, ch. 412. Part 8, Section 4.1(I)(B) increases the FPL to 185% from 150% FPL. Part 8, Section 4.2 adds “The rules in this Section apply through June 30, 2024.”

In addition, Section 4.3(I)(B) increases the Federal Poverty Level to 250% from 185%. The adopted rule increases access to health insurance. The adopted rule changes are effective July 1, 2024. Retroactive rulemaking is permissible under 22 M.R.S. § 42(8) as these updates provide a benefit to recipients and applicants.

This rule will not have an adverse impact on municipalities or small businesses.

Statutory Authority: 22 M.R.S. §§ 42(1) and (8); 3174-G; 3174-LLL

Effective Date: August 18, 2024


Office: Office for Family Independence

Routine technical


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