Date posted:
Notice of Agency Waiver Renewal
AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services, MaineCare Services
RULE TITLE OR SUBJECT: Chapter 101, MaineCare Benefits Manual, Section 21, Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
WAIVER: ME.0159, Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder Waiver
CONCISE SUMMARY: The Department plans to submit a five-year renewal to the Section 21, Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) 1915(c) waiver application.
This five-year waiver renewal proposes to incorporate the following changes:
• Updated the Brief Waiver Description for clarity and readability.
• Where applicable, revised language to align and create consistency with Maine’s four other 1915(c) waiver authorities [ME.1082 (MaineCare Benefits Manual (MBM)), Section 18), ME.0276 (MBM, Section 19), ME.0995 (MBM, Section 20), and ME.0467 (MBM, Section 29)].
• Where applicable, updated information related to the 2024 revised 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Application, version 3.7.
Appendix A Waiver Administration and Operation:
- Updated information about agencies/entities with which the Department contracts.
- Updated the Performance Measure in Appendix A to more accurately meet assurances and sub-assurances and to align and create consistency with Maine’s four other 1915(c) waiver authorities [ME.1082 (MBM, Section 18), ME.0276 (MBM, Section 19), ME.0995 (MBM, Section 20), and ME.0467 (MBM, Section 29)].
Appendix B Participant Access and Eligibility:
• Updated number of individuals served in B-3 a, Unduplicated Participants Served, and B-3 b, Number of Participants Served at any Point in Time, to reflect the five-year renewal period.
Appendix C Participant Services:
• Updated “Frequency of Verification” in C-1/C-3 by adjusting the basic requirements for enrollment and regular re-enrollment responsibilities for providers of waiver services, consistent with MaineCare regulations and statutory requirements (changed every three years to every five years).
• Updated provider requirements in C-2-a for conducting criminal background checks by requiring compliance and alignment with DHHS Division of Licensing and Certification, Maine Background Check Center (MBCC) Rule (10-144. Chapter 60). Subsequently removed the list of disqualifying offenses because the list of these offenses within the MBCC rule is more extensive.
• Clarified C-2-e by specifying the family members allowed to receive payment for the delivery of specified services (only Shared Living and Non-Medical Transportation) under this waiver.
• Clarified and strengthened requirements in C-2-f that all providers comply with all applicable state and federal regulations including licensing rules and regulations.
• Included the process and requirements in C-5 the Department employs to ensure providers comply, initially and ongoing, with settings standards.
Appendix H Quality Improvement Strategy:
• Updated H-2-b to reflect the Department’s adoption and use of the CAHPS satisfaction survey tool.
Appendix I Financial Accountability:
• Updated I-2-a by clarifying that rates for initiatives are contingent on available funding and subject to legislative approval.
Appendix J Cost Neutrality Demonstration:
• Updated Cost Neutrality and Derivation of Estimates for the five years of this waiver cycle (through July 1, 2030).
Please see the accompanying draft application for all proposed changes as included in the renewal.
DHHS is accepting comments through 11:59 pm, March 9, 2025. Any interested party may obtain a copy of the waiver application by going to the website noted below or at any regional Office for Family Independence (a list of the offices and locations can be found at this link
A printed copy may be obtained by calling Lisa Weaver at (207) 624-4050 or emailing
See for waiver amendment and to submit comments.
DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: Comments must be received by 11:59 pm, March 9, 2025.
AGENCY CONTACT PERSON: Heather Bingelis, Comprehensive Health Planner II
AGENCY NAME: MaineCare Services
ADDRESS: 109 Capitol Street, SHS # 11
Augusta, Maine 04333-0011
TELEPHONE: 207-624-4951 FAX: (207) 287-1864 TTY: 711
Section 21 Waiver Renewal
Office: MaineCare Services
Comment deadline:
Effective date: