Maine Forestry Direct Link Loan Program

Purchases Eligible for Loans

The following table outlines some of the potential purchases that could be made through the Maine Forestry Direct Link Loan Program. However, equipment purchases will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with eligibility being based on whether or not the equipment is needed to facilitate the implementation of Forestry Best Management Practices. As new technologies become available, they will also be considered for inclusion into the direct link loan program.

New and Used Equipment Purchases

Retrofit of Existing Equipment

Miscellaneous Purchases

Tree Planter and Associated Equipment

Floatation Tires

Metal Bridges

Mulching Machines

Bogey Wheels

Wooden Bridges

Cut-to-Length Harvesters

GPS Equipment Tracking Systems

Bottomless arches


Harvester and processor heads

Sediment and erosion control products

Delimbers equipped for in woods operations


Portable Plastic Roads

Tracked feller bunchers equipped with booms



Swing machines*


As applicants bring forward proposals for equipment and/or structures that they believe are needed to implement environmentally sound logging operations, those requests will be considered by MFS staff. A separate advisory committee will be formed for program oversight providing periodic review of items which have been financed, and the requests for items to be financed in the Maine Forestry Direct Link Loan Program.

* Not all swing machines eligible.  Contact MFS for approval before purchase.