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FEMA Map Modernization
Last Updated: April 4, 2017
FEMA is working on updating the flood insurance rate maps for all coastal counties across the United States, including Maine. The new maps will be created on a county-wide basis and using a new digital format. During the map revision process, the Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) is working to coordinate communication with landowners of the unorganized territories in affected counties. This webpage will be updated periodically to help landowners and other interested parties understand the current status.
Early in 2014, FEMA released preliminary maps for the following 5 Maine counties: Hancock, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Waldo. The preliminary maps for Washington County were released in March of 2016. These revised maps may include the addition or modification of base flood elevations, base flood depths, special flood hazard area boundaries, zone designations, or regulatory floodways. FEMA provided an opportunity during the preliminary map stage for landowners and communities to comment on or file an appeal of the proposed maps. The 90-day appeal period for each of the 6 counties has closed. No comments or appeals relating to the revised map areas of the unorganized territories in Maine were submitted to the LUPC.
FEMA issued letters of final determination for Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Waldo Counties in January of 2015, and for Knox and Hancock in January of 2016. For these counties, the LUPC has adopted references to the new FEMA maps into its rules. The new maps became effective in July of 2015 and 2016 respectively. FEMA just recently issued the letters of final determination for Washington County. To remain compliant with the National Flood Insurance Program, the LUPC is initiating rulemaking to adopt the new maps for Washington County. Please see the links below for the public notice on the rulemaking and a copy of the draft revision for the LUPC rule Chapter 10, Appendix E to incorporate references to the new maps.
Landowners with property that is newly mapped in a Special Flood Hazard Area and that are covered by a mortgage should be aware that it may be significantly less expensive to purchase flood insurance prior to the final adoption of the revised flood insurance rate maps. Please contact an insurance agent or visit www.fema.gov/flood-insurance for more information on flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact Stacie R. Beyer at 207-557-2535, email at Stacie.R.Beyer or 106 Hogan Road, Suite 8, Bangor, ME 04401.