Cupsuptic River - Erle Townsend

Guidance Documents

The guidance documents listed below inform the general public about the Commission and its various programs. The documents also serve to guide the public as well as the Commission's staff in interpreting some of the Commission's rules and regulations. These documents may not be relied upon to create rights, substantive or procedural. The Commission reserves the right to act in accordance with its statute, including in a manner that varies from these documents. Nothing in these documents shall be construed to supersede or replace the rules and regulations administered by the Commission, including the Commission's Land Use Districts and Standards (Chapter 10).

If you are uncertain which forms you will need to submit for a particular project, contact our office in Augusta or one of our regional offices for guidance.

Affordable Housing - This document provides guidance concerning affordable housing opportunities within its jurisdiction. (Published April 19, 2007)

CLUP Guidance Document - This document describes interpretation of the 2010 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) in light of the 2012 changes to the Commission?s statutory obligations. (Published October 5, 2012)

Commission Policy on Receiving Public Comment - The Commission's policy regarding public comments (Published May 8, 2024)

Compliance and Enforcement Response Policy - Summarizes the Commission's policy for administering and developing penalties for land use violations (Published May 8, 2024)

Concept Planning Overview and Guidance - This document describes the interpretation of rules regarding the concept planning goals, process, and products. It can assist the landowner and the interested citizen to know, up front, what is expected of participants in the process, and how the Commission will reach a decision. (Published May 14, 2014)

Guidelines for Selection of Easement Holders - Provides ways to determine the acceptability of a proposed holder of a conservation easement (Published November 22, 2004)

Policy Statement on Deer Wintering Areas - Guidelines for addressing the Commission's policies regarding deer yards. (Published June 20, 1991)

Remote Participation Policy - This document provides the Commission's policies regarding when Commissioners and members of the public may participate in Commission meetings and hearings through remote means, and related provisions to ensure remote meetings and hybrid meetings are conducted in an appropriate and effective manner. (Published September 8, 2021)

Site Law Certification, Land Use Standards - This document is intended solely for guidance to Commission staff and the public when interpreting the statutory criteria for certification of Site Law projects. (Published December 8, 2021)

Site Law MOU between DEP and LUPC - This Memorandum of Understanding between the DEP and the Commission describes how the two agencies will work together in processing applications for projects that trigger the Site Location of Development Law. (Published September 6, 2012)

STR Best Practice Documents - (Published January 2, 2025)

Wetland Compensation Guidelines - Outlines requirements for wetland compensation plans for projects that cause the loss of wetland functions and values (Published February 26, 1998)

Wind Power Expedited Area Expansion Guidance Document - (Published April 12, 2011)