LUPC Digital Maps and Data


The table below contains tabloid (11x17) and full size (24x36 or 30x36) geo-referenced PDF links to the color zoning map for the townships, towns and plantations within the Commission's service area. They can be downloaded or imported into an ArcGIS project.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The zoning maps below can be downloaded. They are geo-referenced PDF versions of the Commission's official Land Use Guidance Maps. The tabloid maps are not certified to be true and correct copies. Official full-size LUPC Land Use Guidance Maps are available from the Commission office in Augusta. Potential applicants unsure of the zoning of their property should request a full-size map from the Augusta office.

LUPC Zoning and Parcel Viewer

Town Alternate Town Name County Update Date Official Map Tabloid Map


Digital zoning data (shapefiles and/or web map services) are available from the Maine Land Use Planning Commission and the Maine Geolibrary Board Open Data Portal. Datasets are available for download free of charge. The zone polygons data file contains the LUPC land use zoning subdistricts for the unorganized and deorganized areas of Maine mapped at a scale of 1:24,000 with a projection of UTM, NAD83, Zone 19 North, Meters. The Maine Land Use Planning Commission used this data to produce the official Land Use Guidance Maps. Zone boundaries were delineated and digitized by the Maine Land Use Planning Commission from data compiled on USGS 7.5' quadrangle bases. Zone polygons are coded by the zone type listed in the Land Use Districts and Standards - Chapter 10, Sub-chapter II.

User Note

The digital data will include information from the most recently published LUPC zones. This data will be updated periodically but may be out of step briefly with official Land Use Guidance Maps. The user should check the source attributes associated with the zoning data (polygons) and verify that the digital data reflects the current official zoning map for the minor civil division in the LUPC service area. The user can view the most recently published map by searching the table above. Parcel maps do not represent legal surveys. Parcel maps are for assessment purposes only. Not to be used for conveyances.

This help file will guide you on the use of the web application.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact LUPC at (207) 287-2631 or email

Web Map

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Digital Data (GIS)