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Staff Directory
The Commission's staff operate under the supervision and oversight of an executive director, who is appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry with the consent of Commission members. The executive director is responsible for staff recommendations to the Commission on matters that come before it and acts on routine permit applications delegated to staff by the Commission.
Director & Management +
The Director and Management staff includes the executive director, a permitting and compliance manager, two permitting and compliance regional supervisors, who provide primary management support to the Commission and the entire staff.
Stacie R. Beyer, Executive Director
Phone: (207) 557-2535
E-mail: Stacie.R.Beyer@maine.gov
Augusta, ME
Benjamin Godsoe, Planning Manager
Phone: (207) 592-6429
E-mail: Benjamin.Godsoe@maine.gov
Augusta, ME
Audie T. Arbo, Permitting and Compliance Manager
Phone: (207) 557-2023
E-mail: Audie.T.Arbo@maine.gov
Stacy Benjamin, Chief Planner
Phone: (207) 441-3761
E-mail: Stacy.Benjamin@maine.gov
Karen Bolstridge, Permitting and Compliance Regional Supervisor
Phone: (207) 731-4398
E-mail: Karen.Bolstridge@maine.gov
Serves Downeast and Western Regions
Billie J. Theriault, Permitting and Compliance Regional Supervisor
Phone: (207) 435-7969; Cell (207) 731-4147
E-mail: Billie.J.Theriault@maine.gov
Serves Northern, Eastern and Moosehead Regions
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Administrative Staff +
The Administrative staff provide primary administrative support to the Commission and the entire staff.
Kiana Green, Office Specialist II
Phone: (207) 287-2631
E-mail: Kiana.Green@maine.gov
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Permitting & Compliance Staff +
The Permitting and Compliance staff includes the permitting and compliance manager, two regional supervisors, regional representatives, and an enforcement unit. The division's primary function is to review and process applications for the various types of development and rezoning activities that require a permit. The staff also provides on-site assistance, pre-application meetings, inspections, and enforcement of the LUPC land use standards.
Downeast Region
Morgan Prentice, Environmental Specialist II (All Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 215-4685
E-mail: Morgan.Prentice@maine.gov
Bryan Way, Environmental Specialist III (All Non-Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 485-8354
E-mail: Bryan.C.Way@maine.gov
Serves Downeast and Eastern Regions
Eastern Region
Lonna Perry, Environmental Specialist II (All Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 399-2176
E-mail: lonna.perry@maine.gov
Serves Eastern Region
Bryan Way, Environmental Specialist III (All Non-Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 485-8354
E-mail: Bryan.C.Way@maine.gov
Serves Eastern Region
Moosehead Region
Sarah Robinson, Environmental Specialist II (All Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 557-2874
E-mail: sarah.robinson@maine.gov
Serves Moosehead Region
Northern Region
Meagan Westfall, Environmental Specialist III (All Residential and Non-Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 435-7970 or Cell (207) 731-4552
E-mail: Meagan.Westfall@maine.gov
Serves Northern Region
Western Region
Rachel Hauber, Environmental Specialist III (All Non-Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 670-7493
E-mail: Rachel.Hauber@maine.gov
Serves Western Region
Jennifer Larson, Environmental Specialist II (All Residential Development)
Phone: (207) 670-7492
E-mail: Jennifer.Larson@maine.gov
Serves Western Region
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Enforcement Unit +
The Enforcement staff provide primary complaint and enforcement support to the Commission.
Ruby Goodmen, Enforcement Specialist
Phone: (207) 530-3888
E-mail: Ruby.Goodmen@maine.gov
Debra Kaczowski, Enforcement Coordinator-Enforcement Unit Supervisor
Phone: (207) 816-0143
E-mail: Debra.Kaczowski@maine.gov
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Planning Staff +
The Planning staff includes the planning manager, four full-time and two part-time planners, and a programmer analyst. Their responsibilities include, coordinating rulemakings, project review and the development and implementation of land use policy, including the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Planning staff also lead the LUPC's educational efforts and frequently represent the Commission on interagency matters.
Tim Beaucage, Senior Planner
Phone: (207) 931-6974
E-mail: Timothy.Beaucage@maine.gov
Augusta, ME
Tim Carr, Senior Planner
Phone: (207) 592-4129
E-mail: Tim.Carr@maine.gov
Augusta, ME
Ellen Jackson, Programmer Analyst
Phone: (207) 557-0346
E-mail: Ellen.Jackson@maine.gov
Augusta, ME
Megan Lamb, Senior Planner
Phone: (207) 446-8823
E-mail: megan.lamb@maine.gov
Russell Lamer, Mapping and Graphics Arts Specialist II
Phone: (207) 450-3947
E-mail: Russell.Lamer@maine.gov
Eric Sanderson, Senior Planner
Phone: (207) 441-4020
E-mail: eric.sanderson@maine.gov
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