Chart Of Accounts

Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
3.11 Chart of Accounts & General Accounting Manual 10/30/2019 PDF
FY2025 Balance Sheet Codes 08/23/2024 Excel / PDF
FY2025 Object Codes 08/23/2024 Excel / PDF
FY2025 Revenue Source Codes 08/23/2024 Excel / PDF
3.11 Setting up a Contact Code Instructions 10/28/2019 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


Contact Codes

A contact code is a 3 or 4 digit code generated from Advantage that represents an individual as a point of contact.

*See instructions above for generating a contact code.

Reporting Units

A reporting unit is way to classify or break down transactions within an appropriation. These codes are determined by each department and used for more specific reporting. A new unit is created by the Controller's Office per a request from a department.

Requests are filtered through Coordinators who supply the forms to OSC. Please see the following list for your coordinator:
Agency Reporting Unit Request Coordinators

Unit Request Information

  • A unit request must be received by OSC no later than 2:30PM in order to be entered for next business day. Any request received after 2:30PM will be processed in two business days.
  • Once a unit has been inactivated, it will not not be reactivated.This must be an absolute last resort.
  • Units require justification and reconciliation to be inactivated.
  • Units are inactivated at the Sub-unit level as many units may roll up to multiple appropriations. Inactivating at the Sub-unit level allows for more flexibility in reporting.
  • Unit names are not recommended to be changed. They may be revised for typo errors or as long as the reporting procedure for audit purposes remains identical.
    • For example, if a unit name has been called "Licenses" and has historical expense data attached to it, changing the name to "Storage" would be unacceptable.

Advantage Reporting Unit Request Form - See Forms page: Accounting #2 & #3.



Cash Receipts

Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Cash Receipts Manual 3.9 05/12/2016 PDF
3.11 CR Document Instructions 10/16/2019 PDF
3.11 CRAJ Document Instructions 10/16/2019 PDF
3.11 CRCC Document Instructions 10/16/2019 PDF
3.11 CRRT Document Instructions 10/16/2019 PDF
3.11 TRF Document Instructions 10/16/2019 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


Section Objectives:

  • Data enter all cash receipts to process deposits, credit card payments, Automated Clearing House (ACH) and wire transfers, and negative cash receipts. All cash receipt entry is performed manually by the users in Advantage.
  • Data enter all cash receipts received from external customers to liquidate previously billed amounts, amounts received from external entities, such as Federal Government, and cash received from entities that are not tracked in Advantage (also referred to as "cash over the counter")
  • Prepare and print deposit tickets for departments that utilize the pre-printed stock from TD Banknorth.
  • Approve electronically all cash receipt documents by the Department's supervisors and when applicable, approvals by OST staff. This means that all approval processing is performed in Advantage.
  • Search, inquiries, and net effect of all cash receipt documents including searching for draft cash receipts, cash receipts awaiting approval and cash receipts that have been fully approved. The effect of final cash receipt documents on customer accounts, the budgets, ledgers and journals is all tracked in Advantage.
  • Data enter all adjustments to process returned items, debit/credit adjustments, bank account corrections and chart of account corrections
  • Request adjustments to a previously approved cash receipt document, as a result of unmatched bank transactions, is available in Advantage with data interfaced from TAMI on a daily basis. This allows the users to work solely in Advantage rather than toggle between TAMI and Advantage.
  • Create, approve and track all adjustment requests

With the implementation of Advantage, cash receipt processing will be performed in Advantage rather than TAMI, while keeping the bank reconciliation function performed by the Office of the State Treasurer (OST) in TAMI.




Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Central Budgetary Tables Manual 06/07/2011 PDF
BQ90 Overview 05/26/2011 PDF
Budget Documents 05/25/2011 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


Section Objectives:

  • Describe the relationship between budget and chart of account elements
  • Describe the BQ90 budget structure
  • Navigate through the BQ90 budget structure and understand its functionality

This section will provide Advantage users with a working knowledge of how the Central Appropriation and Allotments Budget process works in Advantage. Users are responsible for understanding the BQ90 budget structure.




The process to write off an uncollectable debt in which all attempts and due diligence has been performed unsuccessfully.

See below memo for more details.

Reference Material
Description Date Format
Charge-Off Memo FY2025 01/28/2025 PDF
Charge-Off Worksheet FY2025 01/28/2025 Excel

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).




Aging is the process in which accounts receivables are aged and reserved by percentage depending on the length of time the receivable for goods/services has been outstanding; i.e Current (0%), 90 days (25%), 6 months (50%)or a year 100%).

Each year by the end of March, a list of a department's receivable accounts must be gathered, compared to the B915 report and submitted to the Controller's Office. The B915 report can be found in DocuWare under "B9151". This report is at an appropriation level. To gather a list at the reporting unit level (which is preferable), the department can either request a list from the Controller's Office or query the financial data warehouse.

At the time of the aging request, any department that has items that are at 100% uncollectible for more than one year must have already been submitted for charge off; otherwise the charge off amount must wait for the charge off period the following year. Please see the Charge Off tab for more information.

Reference Material
Description Date Format
Aging Memo FY2024 05/08/2024 PDF
Aging Worksheet FY2024 05/08/2024 Excel

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).



Accounts Receivable

Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Accounts Receivable & Advanced Billing Manual 3.9 05/12/2016 PDF
3.11 RE Document Instructions 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 VCM - Suppress Billing Instructions 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 VCM - Adding a New BPRO to a Customer Account Instructions 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 VCC - Entering a New Customer Instructions 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 VCM - Adding a Customer to an Existing Vendor Instructions 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 REMS/IETM - Process Payments against an Internal Service Bill 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 REMS - View and Download Internal Service Bills (FSSUM) 10/15/2019 PDF
REMS Internal Service Prefix Table 05/26/2023 PDF
Credit Balance and Auto Netting Instructions 3.9 09/18/2013 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


Section Objectives:

  • Establish and modify a Customer (VCUST) and Customer Account (CACT) using the VCC and VCM Documents
  • Create a Billing Profile on the Billing Profile (BRPO) table
  • Process a Receivable (RE) Document
  • Set up recurring Receivable (RE) Documents
  • Modify a Receivable (RE) Document
  • Use online inquiries to find customer information, approval status and other information
  • Process Invoices and Statements
  • Manage Past Due Accounts

Advantage records Revenue and Receivable activity. Revenue is defined as income to the State of Maine that is recorded as an income statement account. Examples of revenue are tax collections and income earned for goods and services provided. A Receivable creates the billing for an event taht resulted in money being owed to the State of Maine; examples include fines due to the State of maine for violation of a government regulation, fees, permits, etc.

This section introduces you to Accounts Receivable business processes and how Advantage will support your day to day activities.



1099 Reportable

For State Agencies:

We would like agencies to be aware of how the Advantage system determines if payments are eligible for 1099 reporting. In MFASIS, it was based on the Sub Object Code such as 97. In Advantage, it is based on the Object Code and the Vendor Classification (see the Organization section of VCUST).

Be sure to check the OBJ table (Object) for the Object Codes you are using on your payments.

To see if the Object is 1099 reportable, go to OBJ table and search for your Object Code. In the 1099 Info section, if the 1099 Income Code and Income Type fields are populated, then the Object is reportable. If the Object is reportable and the Vendor has a classification other than Corporation, a 1099 will be issued.

Please Note: A 1099 will always be issued, regardless of Classification, if the Type of Income is 6, Medical Payments.





1099 Information

A 1099 contains important tax information, which is also being reported to the Internal Revenue Service. If you received a 1099 form from the Office of the State Controller, the State of Maine's records show that you were paid money during the calendar year, which the IRS considers taxable. Some of the types of payments that qualify are rents, prizes or winnings, payments for services to non-employees, forestry cost share reimbursements and some types of payments for healthcare or medical assistance.

*Note: If you are sending a 1099 to the State of Maine, please visit Maine Revenue Services.

Contact your tax professional for assistance with tax rules and laws.


Form 1099-MISC Instructions to Recipients

Form 1099-NEC Instructions to Recipients

Form 1099-G Instructions to Recipients


Below are common reasons a 1099 may have been issued:

  • Form 1099-MISC
    • Common reasons for receiving the 1099-MISC form:
      • You have received at least $600 or more in payments from the State of Maine for rents (box 1), prizes (box 3), other income payments (box 3), fishing boat proceeds (box 5), medical and health services, which includes Corporations (box 6), crop insurance proceeds (box 9), attorney services, which includes Corporations (box 10), section 409A deferrals (box 12), or nonqualified deferred compensation (box 15).
  • Form 1099-NEC (Non-Employee Compensation)
    • Common reasons for receiving the 1099-NEC form:
      • You have received at least $600 or more in payments from the State of Maine for services performed and you are not an employee of the State of Maine (box 1); or Payments to an attorney (box 1)
  • Form 1099-G (certain Government Payments)
    • Common reasons for receiving the 1099-G form:
      • You have received at least $600 or more in payments from the State of Maine as part of a taxable grant (box 6)

Other common reasons a 1099 may have been issued:

  1. If you received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Parents as Scholars (PAS) payments OR if you received payments from the State of Maine through the ASPIRE program for transportation costs and other support services, these benefits are not taxable income and should not have been reported on a 1099 form. If you believe that there is an error on your 1099 form because of your connection to the programs listed in this paragraph, please call Kelley Hooper, Department of Health & Human Services at (207) 624-4177 or email her at

  2. If you are a child care provider for families working with the ASPIRE Program, the payment you received for these services may be taxable income to you but are not considered reportable on a Form 1099-MISC from the State of Maine.  Contact your tax professional for assistance with tax rules and laws. If you would like to know how much the State of Maine remitted to you under this program, please contact the Office of the State Controller at (207) 626-8411 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.

  3. If you received payments for foster care for adults from Maine Care Services, the amount reported on form 1099 may or may not be taxable, depending on whether you quality for special tax status according to IRS regulations. The State of Maine does not have the necessary detail to make this determination for you. Please consult your tax professional, or visit (Notice 2014-7) for additional details regarding special tax situations for certain Medicaid income. If you believe the amount reported on the 1099 is inaccurate, please contact Emily Kalafarski at (207) 287-4212 or email her at

  4. Payments made by the State of Maine for foster care services for children in the custody of DHHS are not reportable. This includes payments such as reimbursement for child care and reimbursement for some transportation costs. These payments should not be reported on a 1099 form. If you believe that there is an error in your 1099 form related to payments you have received for providing foster care to children placed in your home by the Office of Child and Family Services, please contact Daniel Dresser, Department of Health & Human Services, at (207) 624-7931.

  5. Payments made under Federal Forestry Incentive Programs (Forest Stewardship Assistance Program/WoodsWISE) managed by Maine Forest Service may be taxable income. Contact your tax professional for assistance with tax rules and laws.  If you were paid $600 or more by the State of Maine under this program during calendar year 2023, you will receive a 1099 form.  If you believe that the 1099 form is inaccurate, please call program coordinator, Andrew Shultz, Maine Forest Service at (207) 287-8430.

If none of the above situations apply to you, and you are unable to determine why you have received a 1099 form from the State of Maine, or if the amount reported does not agree with your records, please contact the Office of the State Controller at (207) 626-8411 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. You may leave voicemail at this number or, if you prefer, you can email


Form 1099-MISC Instructions to Recipients of 1099

Recipient's taxpayer identification number (TIN). For your protection, this from may show only the last four digits of your social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN). However, the payer has reported your complete TIN to the IRS.

Account number. May show an account or other unique number the payer assigned to distinguish your account.

Amounts shown may be subject to self-employment (SE) tax. Individuals should see the Instructions for Schedule SE (Form 1040). Corporations, fiduciaries, or partnerships must report the amounts on the appropriate line of their tax returns.

Form 1099-MISC incorrect? If this form is incorrect or has been issued in error, contact the payer. If you cannot get this form corrected, attach an explanation to your tax return and report your information correctly.

Box 1. Report rents from real estate on Schedule E (Form 1040). However, report rents on Schedule C (From 1040) if you provided significant services to the tenant, sold real estate as a business, or rented personal property as a business. See Pub. 527.

Box 2. Report royalties from oil, gas, or mineral properties, copyrights, and patents on Schedule E (Form 1040). However, report payments for a working interest as explained in the Schedule E (Form 1040) instructions. For royalties on timber, coal, iron ore, see Pub. 544.

Box 3. Generally, report this amount on the "Other Income" line of Schedule 1 (Form 1040) and identify the payment. The amount shown may be payments received as the beneficiary of a deceased employee, prizes, awards, taxable damages, Indian gaming profits, or other taxable income. See Pub. 525, Taxable and Nontaxable Income. If it is trade or business income, report this amount on Schedule C or F (Form 1040).

Box 4. Shows backup withholding or withholding on Indian gaming profits. Generally, a payer must backup withhold if you did not furnish your taxpayer identification number. See Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, and Pub. 505 for more information. Report this amount on your income tax return as tax withheld.

Box 5. Shows the amount paid to you as a fishing boat crew member by the operator, who considers you to be self-employed. Self-employed individuals must report this amount on Schedule C (Form 1040). See Pub. 334.

Box 6. For Individuals, report on Schedule C (Form 1040).

Box 7. If checked, consumer products totaling $5,000 or more were sold to you for resale, on a buy-sell, a deposit-commission, or other basis.  Generally, report any income from your sale of these products on Schedule C (Form 1040).

Box 8. Shows substitute payments in lieu of dividends or tax-exempt interest received by your broker on your behalf as a result of a loan of your securities. Report on the "Other Income" line of Schedule 1 (Form 1040).

Box 9. Report this amount on Schedule F (Form 1040).

Box 10. Shows gross proceeds paid to an attorney in connection with legal services. Report only the taxable part as income on your return.

Box 11. Shows the amount of cash you received for the sale of fish if you are in the trade or business of catching fish.

Box 12. May show current year deferrals as a non-employee under a non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plan that is subject to the requirements of section 409A plus any earnings on current and prior year deferrals.

Box 13. If the FATCA filing requirement box is checked, the payer is reporting on this Form 1099 to satisfy its account reporting requirement under chapter 4 of the Internal Revenue Code. You may also have a filing requirement. See the instructions for Form 8938.

Box 14. Shows your total compensation of excess golden parachute payments subject to a 20% excise tax. See your tax return instructions for where to report.

Box 15. Shows income as a non-employee under an NQDC plan that does not meet the requirements of section 409A. Any amount included in box 12 that is currently taxable is also included in this box. Report this amount as income on your tax return. This income is also subject to a substantial additional tax to be reported on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR. See the instructions for your tax return.

Boxes 16-18. Shows state or local income tax withheld from the payments.


Form 1099-NEC Instructions to Recipients of 1099

You received this form instead of a W-2 because the payer did not consider you an employee and did not withhold income tax or social security and Medicare tax.

If you believe you are an employee and cannot get the payer to correct this form, report the amount shown in box 1 on the line for "Wages, salaries, tips, etc." of Form 1040, 1040-SR or 1040-NR. You must also complete Form 8919 and attach it to your return. For more information, see Pub. 1779, Independent Contractor or Employee. 

If you are not an employee, but the amount in box 1 is not self-employment (SE) income (for example, it is income from a sporadic activity or a hobby), report the amount shown in box 1 on the "Other Income" line on Schedule 1 (Form 1040).

Account Number. May show an account or other unique number the payer assigned to distinguish your account.

Box 1. Shows non-employee compensation. If the amount in this box is SE income, report it on Schedule C or F (Form 1040) if a sole proprietor, or on Form 1065 and Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) if a partnership, and the recipient/partner completes Schedule SE (Form 1040).

Note: If you are receiving payments on which no income, social security, and Medicare taxes are withheld, you should make estimated tax payments. See Form 1040-ES (or Form 1040-ES (NR)). Individuals must report these amounts as explained in these box 1 instructions. Corporations, fiduciaries, and partnerships must report these amounts on the appropriate line of their tax returns.

Box 2. If checked, consumer products totaling $5,000 or more were sold to you for resale, on a buy-sell, a deposit-commission, or other basis. Generally, report any income from your sale of these products on Schedule C (Form 1040).

Box 3. Reserved for future use.

Box 4. Shows backup withholding. A payer must backup withhold on certain payments if you did not give your Tax Identification Number to the payer. See Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, for information on backup withholding. Include this amount on your income tax return as tax withheld.

Box 5-7. State income tax withheld reporting boxes.


Form 1099-G Instructions to Recipients of 1099

Account Number. May show an account or other unique number the payer has assigned to distinguish your account.

Caution: Identity Theft (IDT). If you suspect that you are a victim of IDT, do not report the incorrect amount shown in box 1 of Form(s) 1099-G on your tax return. Go to for more information.

Box 1. Shows the total unemployment compensation (UC) paid to you in the calendar year reported. Combine the box 1 amounts from all Forms 1099-G and report the total as income on the UC line of your tax return. Except as explained below, this is your taxable amount. If you made contributions to a governmental UC program or to a governmental paid family leave program and received a payment from that program, the payer must issue a separate Form 1099-G to report this amount to you. If you itemize deductions, you may deduct your contributions on Schedule A (Form 1040) as taxes paid. If you do not itemize, only include in income the amount that is in excess of your contributions.

Box 2. Shows refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income tax you received. It may be taxable to you if you deducted the state or local income tax paid on Schedule A (Form 1040). Even if you did not receive the amount shown, for example, because (a) it was credited to your state or local estimated tax, (b) it was offset against federal or state debts, (c) it was offset against other offsets, or (d) you made a charitable contribution from your refund, it is still taxable if it was deducted. If you received interest on this amount, you may receive Form 1099-INT for the interest. However, the payer may include interest of less than $600 in the blank box next to box 9 on Form 1099-G. Regardless of whether the interest is reported to you, report it as interest income on your tax return. See your tax return instructions.

Box 3. Identifies the tax year for which the box 2 refunds, credits, offsets shown were made.

Box 4. Shows backup withholding or withholding you requested on unemployment compensation, Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans, or certain crop disaster payments. Generally, a payer must backup withhold on certain payments if you did not give your Tax Identification Number to the payer. See Form W-9 for information on backup withholding. Include this amount on your income tax return as tax withheld.

Box 5. Shows reemployment trade adjustment assistance (RTAA) payments you received. Include on the "Other Income" line of Schedule 1 (Form 1040).

Box 6. Shows taxable grants you received from a federal, state, or local government.

Box 7. Shows your taxable Department of Agriculture payments. If the payer shown is anyone other than the Department of Agriculture, it means the payer has received the payment, as a nominee, that is taxable to you. This may represent the entire agricultural subsidy payment received on your behalf by the nominee, or it may be your pro rata share of the original payment. See Pub. 225 and the Schedule F (Form 1040) instructions for the information about where to report this income. Partnerships, see Form 8825 for how to report.

Box 8. If this box is checked, the amount in box 2 is attributable to an income tax that applies exclusively to income from a trade or business and is not a tax of general application. If taxable, report the amount in box 2 on Schedule C or F (Form 1040), as appropriate.

Box 9. Shows market gain on CCC loans whether repaid using cash or CCC certificates. See the Schedule F (Form 1040) instructions.

Box 10a-11. State income tax withheld reporting boxes.





The records division has been moved to Maine Revenue Services, Revenue Processing Center. Documents to be scanned should be sent to MRS with the exception of Payment Documents over $5000 and Journal Vouchers, which should be sent to OSC.

Please mail documents to be scanned to:


Maine Revenue Services
Revenue Processing Center
SHS #24

Outside Agencies:

Postal Address
Maine Revenue Services
PO Box 1060
Augusta, ME 04332

Physical Delivery (i.e. Federal Express)
Maine Revenue Services
51 Commerce Drive
Augusta, ME 04330


Bar Codes / Scanning

White Bar Code Sheets should be printed from Advantage unless you are unable. If so, please contact OSC.

Reference Material
Description Date Format
Scanning Guidelines 12/08/2015 PDF
Pink Sheet Discontinuation Memo - See Memos Page

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).

Collating Documents for Scanning:

  1. Bar Code from Advantage
  2. Document (i.e. Journal, Payment Voucher, Vendor Form, etc.)
  3. Backup/supporting documentation



DocuWare is the web based program used to store and review scanned documentation.

Reference Material
Description Date Format
DocuWare Training Guide 03/31/2022 PDF
Advantage Security Form (includes DocuWare) - See Forms Page: Security Applications #1

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).



The pre-audit function within the division reviews larger payments processed through the State's accounting system before such payments are made. The pre-audit function also reviews all sizes of payments on a sample basis to ensure control procedures are consistently applied.

Reference Material
Signature Authorization Form - See Forms Page: Accounting #8


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