Advantage 3.11 Access
Please make sure to update your bookmarks or favorites with this URL below.
For Windows:
For MAC: Use same link through emulator.
Please keep in mind, the website is supported for the following web browsers:
Windows PC Platforms (Desktop):
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 (For Windows 7) - Phasing out
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 (For Windows 8, 8.1, and 10) - Phasing out
- Microsoft Edge v89
- Mozilla Firefox ESR v78.6
- Google Chrome v89
- Safari v13
Mobile Platforms:
- Apple Safari v13 with iOS 14
- Chrome v89 with Android 10.x
- Microsoft Edge v89 with Android 10.x
(Last certification 03/21/2021)
Advantage Hours of Operation:
- 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Some days the system may be up earlier than 7, however that is not guaranteed.
- On occasion, the application may not be available during normal hours of operation.
For Daily Status or Outages