Small Mammals

Nocturnal Creatures
In this recently completed exhibit, enter the world of darkness to see the activities of flying squirrels and other small rodents under black lights.

A baby porcupine is called a ‘porcupette’; and their quills are ready to use 20 minutes after they are born! Porcupines cannot throw their quills; anything that tangles with a porcupine has to make contact; the quills are then released and barbs like fish hooks embed themselves into the unfortunate bird or mammal. Learn more about porcupines from Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

There are only 3 true mammal hibernators in Maine; and the woodchuck is one of them. It goes to ground by late September, and doesn’t wake up until spring. The other 2 true mammal hibernators include the little brown bat and the meadow jumping mouse. Learn more about woodchucks from Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.