Maine Climate Council Land Use Intersecting Issues Conversation #2

Date: , -

Meeting Type: Hybrid (In-Person + Virtual)

In-Person Meeting Location:

DHHS Conference Room A/B (1st floor)

109 Capitol St, Augusta, ME 04330


Public is encouraged to attend virtually. 
Virtual for observers - click here to register

Meeting Agenda:

10:00 AM: Welcome

10:10 AM: Review of draft recommendations

10:30 AM: Plenary discussion, breakout discussion

12:00 PM: Break

12:10 PM: Discussion and alignment of recommendations

12:50 PM: Closing thoughts


To request interpretation services (American Sign Language) or spoken language interpretation services (Somali, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese-Mandarin, Khmer, Russian, Vietnamese, Portuguese) for this meeting, or to request other accommodations, please email

To find a carpool using the GO Maine website:

1. Visit 
2. You will need to sign in or create a GOMaine account. 
3. On the “Find Rides” page, select “To an event or destination.”
4. From the “Events” list, select the name of the meeting you want to attend.

Contact name: Maggie Kelly-Boyd

Contact email:

Meeting Materials: Land UseIntersectingIssues_Recommendations_3June2024.pdf (193.75 KB)

Virtual Meeting Link: Click here to register