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Forest Health and Monitoring Division - Publications List

New Publications
A Checklist of Maine Spiders (Arachnida: Aranae) (PDF | 1.3 MB)
Miscellaneous Publications
__. 1997. Regulations and Guidelines for Shipping Christmas Wreaths and Decorative Plant Materials - Twigs, Nuts & Fruits Used in Wreath Making. View Current Information
__. 1987-2013. Forest and Shade Tree Insect and Disease Conditions for Maine. MFS Insect and Disease Division Summary Reports. 1-25. Specify year(s) when requesting copies.
Granger, C.A., J.D. McMullen and D.A. Stark. 1985. The Planting and Care of Shade Trees. DOC, MFS, Bulletin No. 10 (5th revision). 62 pp.
Granger, C.A. and Geneva Duncan. 1995 (May). Integrated Crop Management Schedule for the Production of Christmas Trees. MFS, I&DM Div. Circular No. 11. A pocket fold-out.
Granger, C.A., C. Donahue and C.L. Haag. 1999. Integrated Crop Management Schedule for Softwood Timber Plantations and Conifer Seed Orchards. Circular No. 12. A pocket fold-out.
LaBonte, G.A. and R.G. Dearborn. 1980. Field Book of Destructive Forest Insects. DOC, MFS, Entomolgy Bulletin No. 25. Pocket-sized. 28 pp.
Technical Report Series
No. Title
1. LaBonte, G.A. The Saddled Prominent Outbreak of 1970-1971 and Its Damages. March, 1978. 20 pp. (PDF | 554 KB)
2. Dearborn, R.G., H. Trial, Jr., D. Struble and M. Devine. The Saddled Prominent Complex in Maine with Special Consideration of Eastern Maine Conditions. March, 1978. 20 pp. (PDF | 687 KB)
3. Maine Forest Service, Entomology Division. Spruce Budworm in Maine: 1977. March, 1978. 80 pp (PDF | 2.2 MB)
4. Devine, M.E., H. Trial, Jr. and N.M. Kotchian. Assessment of Spruce Budworm Damage in the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge. August, 1978. 32 pp. (PDF | 571 KB)
5. Struble, D., H. Trial, Jr. and R. Ford. Comparison of Two Rates of Sevin-4-Oil for Spruce Budworm Control in Maine: 1976. August, 1978. 28 pp. (PDF | 613 KB)
6. Morrison, T.A. and J.B. Dimond. Field Trials for Control of Spruce Budworm in Maine: A History and Bibliography. September, 1978. 13 pp. (PDF | )
7. Bradbury, R. Spruce Budworm Parasitic Survey in Maine with Special Reference to the 1978 Season. December, 1978. Unpublished.
8. Trial, Jr., H. and A. Thurston. Spruce Budworm in Maine: 1978. December, 1978. 109 pp. (PDF | )
9. Trial, Jr., H., W. Kemp and D. Struble. Evaluation of Split Application and Reduced Dosages of Sevin-4-Oil for Spruce Budworm Control in Maine: 1978. November, 1979. 30 pp. (PDF | )
10. Struble, D., W. Kemp and H. Trial, Jr. Evaluation of a Reduced Dosage of Orthene for Spruce Budworm Control in Maine: 1977 and 1978. December, 1979. Unpublished.
11. Dimond, J.B., M. Kittredge, D. Schaufler and D. Pratt. Bacillus thuringiensis: Operational Project - Spruce Budworm Control in Maine 1978. 1978. 36 pp. (PDF | )
12. Kemp, W.P., H. Trial, Jr. and D. Struble. Sampling and Analysis Design for Departmental Insecticide Monitoring. February, 1979. 32 pp. (PDF | )
13. Connor, J.Y. and H. Trial, Jr. Bacillus thuringiensis: Operational Project - Spruce Budworm Control in Maine 1979. November, 1979. 20 pp.
14. Trial, Jr., H. and A. Thurston. Spruce Budworm in Maine: 1979. March, 1980. 111 pp.
15. Bradbury, R.L. and G.A. LaBonte. Winter Mortality of Gypsy Moth Egg Masses in Maine. November, 1980. 4 pp.
16. Devine, M.E. and J.Y. Connor. Resurvey of Spruce Budworm Damage in the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge. February, 1981. 21 pp.
17. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Spruce Budworm in Maine: Biological Conditions in 1980 and Expected Infestation Conditions for 1981. February, 1981. 64 pp.
18. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Spruce Budworm in Maine: Results of the 1981 Project, Biological Conditions in 1981, and Expected Infestation Conditions for 1982. April, 1982. 83 pp.
19. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Spruce Budworm in Maine: Results of the 1982 Project, Biological Conditions in 1982, and Expected Infestation Conditions for 1983. March, 1983. 76 pp.
20. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Spruce Budworm in Maine: Results of the 1983 Project, Biological Conditions in 1983, and Expected Infestation Conditions for 1984. May, 1984. 75 pp.
21. LaBonte, G.A. Control of the Red Oak Leaf-Mining Sawfly. August, 1984. 7 pp.
22. Dearborn, R.G., R. Bradbury and G. Russell. The Forest Insect Survey of Maine - Order Hymenoptera. May, 1983. 101 pp.
23. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Spruce Budworm in Maine: Results of the 1984 Project, Biological Conditions in 1984, and Expected Infestation Conditions for 1985. April, 1985. 75 pp.
24. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Spruce Budworm in Maine, Results of the 1985 Project, Biological Conditions in 1985 and Expected Infestation Conditions for 1986. August, 1986. 71 pp.
25. Bradbury, R.L. Efficacy of Selected Insecticides Against the White Pine Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). November, 1986. 8 pp.
26. Trial, Jr., H. and J.B. Dimond. An Aerial Field Trial Evaluating Split Applications and New Formulations of Bacillus thuriengiensis Against the Spruce Budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana in Maine. March, 1988. 20 pp.
27. Bradbury, R.L. An Economic Assessment of the White Pine Blister Rust Control Program in Maine. January, 1989. 17 pp.
28. Trial, Jr., H. Spruce Budworm in Maine: The End of the Outbreak, Biological Conditions in 1986, 1987, and 1988, and a Look at the Future. October, 1989. 50 pp.
29. Granger, C.A. Forest Health Research and Monitoring Activity in Maine 1989-90. April, 1990. 30 pp.
30. Trial, Jr., H. and J.G. Trial. The Distribution of Eastern Hemlock Looper {Lambdina fiscellaria (Gn.)} Eggs on Eastern Hemlock {Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr} and Development of an Egg Sampling Method on Hemlock. February, 1991. 12 pp.
31. Trial, Jr., H. and J.G. Trial. A Method to Predict Defoliation of Eastern Hemlock {Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr} by Eastern Hemlock Looper {Lambdina fiscellaria (Gn.)} using Egg Sampling. September, 1992. 12 pp.
32. Dearborn, R.G. and C.P. Donahue. The Forest Insect Survey of Maine - Order Coleoptera (Beetles). December, 1993. 101 pp.
33. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Forest Health Monitoring Evaluation: Brown Ash (Fraxinus nigra) in Maine - A Survey of Occurrence and Health. May 1994. 37 pp.
34. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. The Impact of the Current Hemlock Looper, Lambdina fiscellaria (Guen.), Outbreak in Selected Severely Damaged Stands of Eastern Hemlock. December 1994. 16 pp.
35. Bradbury, R.L. Efficacy Trials of Foray 48B Against Early Larval Instars of the Browntail Moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.). May, 1995. 7 pp. (PDF | 718 KB)
36. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. The Impact of the Hemlock Loopers, Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée), and L. athasaria (Walker) on Eastern Hemlock and Balsam Fir in New England. November, 1995. 24 pp.
37. Trial, Jr., H. and M.E. Devine. Forest Health Monitoring Evaluation: Brown Ash (Fraxinus nigra) in Maine - A 1995 Resurvey of Brown Ash Decline Plots Established in 1993. August 1996. 12 pp.
38. Bradbury, R.L. The Browntail Moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Summary of Maine Forest Service Activities for 1995. March 1998. 12 pp.
39. Donahue, C. and K. Murray. Maine's Forest Insect and Disease Historical Database: Database Development and Analyses of 16 Years (1980-1995) of General Survey Data. February 1999. 17 pp.
40. Bradbury, R.L. The Browntail Moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Summary of Maine Forest Service Activities for 1996. October 1999. 13 pp. (PDF | 1.50 MB)
41. Foss, K. A. Variations in Ground Beetle (Coleoptera:Carabidae) Populations Across Specific Ecological Habitats for the Stetson Brook Watershed in Lewiston, Maine. October 2001. 20 pp. + i - ii.
42. Foss, K. A. and R. G. Dearborn. Preliminary Faunistic Survey of Mosquito Species (Diptera: Culicidae) with a Focus on Population Densities and Potential Breeding sites in Greater Portland, Maine. November 2001. 32 pp. (PDF | 522 KB)
43. Maine Mosquito Surveillance Program – Report of the 2001 Working Group (MeDOC/FH&M, MMCRI, Coop. Extension serv. PMO, DHS-HETL). November 2001. Revised 2004. 134 pp.
44. Foss, K.A. and R.G. Dearborn. Preliminary Survey of Mosquito Species (Diptera: Culicidae) with a Focus on Larval Habitats in Androscoggin County, and Additional Larval Data for Portland, Maine during 2002. December, 2002. 51 pp.
45. Jennings, D. T., C. D. Dondale and J. H. Redner. An Annotated Checklist of The Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Mount Katahdin, Baxter State Park, Maine, USA.. October 2012. 37 pp. (PDF | 362 KB)
46. Houston, D. R. and W. D. Ostrofsky. Patterns of Infection and Spread of European Larch Canker on Tamarack in Eastern Maine. March 2017. 29 pp.
47. Jennings, D.T. and C.P. Donahue. A Checklist of Maine Spiders (Arachnida: Aranae). September 2020. 57pp. (PDF | 1.3 MB)
49. Houston, D.R. and Ostrofsky, W.D. Patterns of Infection and Spread of European Larch Canker on Tamarack in Eastern Maine. March 2017. 29pp. (PDF | 2.1 MB)