Best Management Practices

  • A concrete arch spanning the stream channel with armored footings.

  • A forest operations trail, well stabilized with slash.

  • A closed-out stream crossing stabilized with hay.

  • Swamp mats used to cross wet soil to minimize compaction.

  • When streams flow unimpeded, crossing maintenance and repairs are greatly reduced.

  • A round culvert embedded into the streambed to promote stability as well as fish passage.

  • Side slopes built to the appropriate gradient and stabilized with seed and hay.

In Maine, Forestry Best Management Practices–or BMPs–are a combination of regulatory and voluntary measures designed to protect water quality on timber harvests.

BMPs are based on a few basic principles, which when understood, allow loggers to select the most effective and efficient BMP practices for use on a particular timber harvest.

Please click the link below for a copy of our forestry BMP field manual, “Best Management Practices for Forestry: Protecting Maine’s Water Quality.” Also available is the 2018-19 biennial BMP monitoring report “Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness.”

Past Maine Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Use and Effectiveness Reports

2020-2021(PDF) | 2018-2019 (PDF) | 2016-2017 (PDF) | 2014-2015 (PDF) | 2013 (PDF) | 2010-2011 (PDF) | 2005-2009 (PDF) | 2006-2007 (PDF) | 2005 (PDF)

Stream Crossing Permitting Requirements for Timber Harvesting Activities

MFS Water Resources Specialist Tom Gilbert discusses stream crossing permitting requirements for timber harvesting activities:

SFI “EZ Bar” Water Bar Installation Instructional Videos

The EZ Bar is a technique that evolved from years of forestry BMP training with foresters and loggers in Maine. Below are step by step instructional videos on the EZ Bar installation technique:

opening slide for Chapter 1 of SFI Ez Water Bar video

Forestry BMPs In Action: Risky Wood Vs. Safe Wood

University Forests Manager Keith Kanoti discusses a timber harvest on the Penobscot Experimental Forest: Risky Wood vs Safe Wood - YouTube

Produced by:

Forest Stewards Guild - putting the forest first and the University of Maine
opening slide for Risky Wood versus Safe Wood - Virtual Field Tour video