Friday, June 14, 2024

Secretary Bellows announces new state flag design contest

AUGUSTA — In celebration of Flag Day, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows announced a design contest for the model flag of the potential new state flag on Friday.

“The bipartisan law passed last year to send voters the question of whether to keep our current flag or return to the Pine Tree flag that was our state flag from 1901 to 1909 also tasked me with approving a model flag to send to the Adjutant General,” said Secretary Bellows. “But this duty bestowed upon me by the Legislature is not a job I can do alone. That’s why today I invite every Mainer to consider submitting a design for consideration.”

The submission form, contest rules and design brief are available at Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 19. Anyone can enter a design.

The 1901 state flag featured a north star and pine tree on a buff background. It was Maine’s first state flag and was in place until 1909. Then, the state flag was changed to feature the Maine state seal on a blue background, matching the blue of the American flag.

“Approving a new model flag is a duty I proudly undertake because the symbols that represent us, the symbols that unify us as a state and nation, matter a lot,” said Secretary Bellows. “This is a debate delightfully free of partisan politics, and one that every Maine voter can weigh in on at the ballot box this fall.”

The winner of the design contest will be announced before Mainers start voting in the November General Election.
