Grants and Workshops

Grant Information

Grants are occasionally available for archival material held in Maine municipalities and collecting institutions. Details of the grant programs are subject to change, check for updates before applying. Questions? Call 207-287-5790 or email to Maine State Archivist Kate McBrien at

Maine Historical Records Advisory Board Grants

The Maine Historical Records Advisory Board (MHRAB) is pleased to announce the Archival Collection and Preservation Assessment Grant Program (pdf). This program aims to support records collecting institutions in Maine and provide needed resources for either archival collection or preservation assessments to support future work. Funding for the grant program comes from the State of Maine and the National Historical Publications & Records Commission.

The packet contains information about the grant program and a simple application form. For more information or questions about your specific project, please contact Kate McBrien, Maine State Archivist, at 287-5790 or by sending an email to

Application timeline
Application postmark deadline: March 15, 2024
Grant notification date: May 13, 2024
Earliest project start date: May 15, 2024
Project must be completed by: January 1, 2025

To Apply
Please complete and submit the application (pdf) to Kate McBrien, Maine State Archivist at or by mailing Maine State Archives, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 by the application deadline.

New Century Community Grant

The Maine State Archives occasionally offers the New Century Community Grant Program for the preservation of archival collections. This grant program aims to provide support and resources to care for and improve access to the archival collections in Maine. Funding for the grant program comes from the Maine State Cultural Affairs Council and the Maine State Archives.

Currently no grants available.

Odiorne Fund for Archaeological/Archival Projects

The Maine State Archives has grant funds for "archaeological work within Maine that has a relationship to archival material." The archaeological/archival connection can be expressed in a variety of ways; there is no “preferred” relationship. Grant activities that have been funded in the past include:

  • conducting archival research for an archaeological field project
  • properly preserving and organizing archaeological research notes, by placing them in archival containers, and creating finding aids to improve accessibility to other researchers
  • consolidating artifacts, notes, oral histories, etc. as a basis for interpreting a previous archaeological project

While not previously proposed, a project to provide a model for archival management of archaeological records would be considered as well. We will rate proposals based on these guidelines for our reviewers:

  • soundness of the workplan, especially the appropriateness of proposed techniques
  • qualifications of personnel
  • importance of material to be dealt with by this proposal
  • soundness of the budget

Annually, March 15 is the application deadline; award notification will be made by April 30. Final reports for previous grant projects from this fund must be received before new proposals will be considered.

Odiorne Application Information (doc)

Workshop Information

None scheduled at this time.

Other Workshops

Professional development workshops sponsored by Maine Archives and Museums including: basic digitization, basic collections care, basic archiving, and many more.