Maine State Archives Educational Programs

The Maine State Archives offers a variety of online educational programs that can be tailored to your specific interest or research focus. Each presentation begins with a discussion of the necessity of a state archive and the different types of records in our holdings. The archivists will display and explain primary source documents and tailor the discussion to your region of the state. If you have a particular topic that you are interested in exploring with your class, just let us know! To schedule a program, contact Interim State Archivist Christian Cotz or call 207-287-5790.

Special Online Programs
Maine State Archives Virtual Reality Series — Visit historic sites across the state from your home or classroom. This program allows students to explore a variety of notable locations online in full 3D, with pop-up information about the site and its history.
Maine Bicentennial Moments — Maine history is featured in these 30-second public service announcements. Each video includes images and documents from the Archives and other sources to highlight a particular person, place, or event in Maine history. 
Statehood for Maine
The effort to separate the District of Maine from the State of Massachusetts took many years and much negotiation, including at the federal level. This program looks at the reasons behind Maine’s separation from Massachusetts and the process in which we formed our own state. Recommended for fourth grade and above.
Maine in the Civil War
This program explores the impact Maine had on the Civil War and the impact the Civil War had on Maine. The presentation brings the topic to a local level, with accounts of people in your town or neighboring towns who contributed to or participated in the war effort. Recommended for fifth grade and above.
Malaga Island
Kate McBrien is a leading expert on the community who lived on Malaga Island. This 40-minute presentation and discussion explores the true history of the community who lived on Malaga Island, off the coast of Phippsburg, in the late 1800s. The program examines the individuals who were part of this community and the state’s actions to evict them from their homes through the complex history of racism and eugenics in Maine.
Topic of your choice
What is your group or class studying about Maine’s history and the role of our state government? How can we help? Maine State Archives staff are available to discuss and explore additional program topics, based on your need and our documents.
Ask the Archivist
Learners of all ages need help with research from time to time. If you are stuck in your research or need suggestions on where to start, our archivists are here to help! This can be especially helpful for school projects, including National History Day. Contact Archivist Heather Moran or call 207-287-5789 to schedule a one-hour work session.
Ask the Genealogist
If you need help searching for an ancestor or could use a suggestion of where to look next, our archivists can help. Contact or call 207-287-5790 to schedule a one-hour help session for your genealogy research.