Maine Historical Records Advisory Board

The Board's mission is to coordinate and encourage the preservation of and access to historical records in a variety of ways. These include providing information and training to those responsible for such records; guiding the preparation of grant requests to the NHPRC; reviewing those requests; developing an informational base regarding the condition and needs of historical records; promoting the importance of historical records to policy-makers and the general public, and encouraging priority preservation and access projects through advice, grant reviews and a regrant program.

The Board pursues collaborative ventures, where appropriate, such as advising the State Archives on its archaeological- archival materials grant program and coordinating Board planning with Maine Archives and Museums, an association of organizations and individuals providing educational programs, public support, and volunteer consulation services to the archival and museum community in Maine.

The Board's mission is framed by the Executive Order creating it, regulations developed by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and by the Board's interpretation of its role as the lead coordinating entity in the state regarding historical records.

Maine Historical Records Advisory Board Members:

  • Kevin Johnson, Penobscot Marine Museum
  • Earle Shettleworth, Maine State Historian
  • Anna Faherty, University of Southern Maine Franco-American Collection
  • Katherine A. Stefko, Bowdoin College Special Collections & Archives
  • Patricia McDonough Dunn, Esquire, Maine Irish Heritage Center
  • Jill Piekut Roy, University of Southern Maine Special Collections
  • Larissa Vigue Picard, Pejepscot History Center
  • Steve Bromage, Maine Historical Society
  • Christian Cotz, Interim State Archivist

Maine Historical Records Advisory Board Interested Parties List
This list delivers information on public meetings and other activities relating to the work of the MHRAB.
To Subscribe, please email Tammy Marks at with the subject "Maine Historical Records Advisory Board Interested Parties List."