Board Members

Board Members

Name Specialty
Christine Munroe, D.O. Chair Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
Lisa Ryan, D.O. Vice-Chair Pediatrics
John Brewer, D.O., Board Secretary  Family Medicine
Melissa Michaud, PA-C Physician Assistant
Brian Gillis, D.O. Proctology
Peter P. Michaud, JD, RN Public Member
Gust Stringos, D.O. Family Medicine
Paul Vinsel, D.O. Emergency Medicine/Addiction Medicine
Dennis Smith, Esq. Public Member
Mary-Anne Ponti, RN, DBA Public Member
Vacant Physician Assistant

Currently, there is one Physician Assistant member vacancy.

If you are interested in serving, please go to the following link:  The Governor's Office can also be reached by phone at (207) 287-3531.  Please request an application for a Personal Appointment to serve on the Board of Osteopathic Licensure.   

Those interested are also welcome to contact the Board office via e-mail at osteo.pfr@maine.govor by phone at (207) 287-2480 and ask that an application be e-mailed to you.

Please note:  All correspondence for the Board should be addressed to:

Rachel MacArthur, Executive Secretary, Board of Osteopathic Licensure, 142 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0142

The address for FedEx and UPS deliveries is: 

Maine Board of Osteopathic Licensure, Attn:  R MacArthur, Executive Secretary, 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME 04330.