Journal Information

Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
3.11 Chart of Accounts & General Accounting Manual 10/23/2020 PDF
3.11 ABSJ Document Instructions 10/17/2019 PDF
3.11 COAJ Document Instructions   (Description) 10/17/2019 PDF
3.11 JV Document Instructions 10/17/2019 PDF
3.11 JVC Document Instructions 10/23/2019 PDF
What Type of Journal Should I Use? 10/28/2019 PDF
Journal Voucher Guidelines 10/28/2019 PDF
Event Types 10/28/2019 PDF
Prior Year Adjustments   (Flowchart) 10/28/2019 PDF
Revenue Transfers 10/28/2019 PDF
Balance Sheet 0215 - Disbursements 10/28/2019 PDF
Advantage Journal Template - See Forms Page: Accounting #1

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).

Please visit the Accounting FAQ section for additional information regarding journals.


  • COAJ Documents:
    • Please make sure that COAJ documents are still prepared using the Journal Document Template. These documents, along with proper backup, are still sent for scanning into Fortis.
  • Please make sure to check the document comments regarding rejected documents before contacting OSC. If you still have questions about the reject after reading the comments, you can inquire further.
  • Please make sure to check document catalog for the status of journal processing. It is up to each agency to monitor their own journals. Especially during month, quarter and year end processing.
  • Please make sure to include Accounting Period on paper journals, especially during month, quarter and year end processing.

Header Information

Please make sure to complete the header tab on your documents. This is very important during month, quarter and year end processing.

journal header


Section Objectives:

  • Understand the new chart of account elements in Advantage
  • Identify and configure key chart of account tables
  • Understand interrelationships and dependencies among the chart of account elements
  • Create an accounting template
  • Understand and use event types and posting codes
  • Understand the relationship between event types and required chart of account elements
  • Understand budget structures and their corresponding components, controls and their related chart of account elements
  • Create general accounting documents
  • Process Journal Voucher (JV)
  • Process Internal Exchange Transaction (IET)
  • Process Accounting Based Spending Adjustments (ABSJ)

Advantage's Chart of Accounts functionality provides an account structure to classify financial information according to the dimensions needed to support the various uses of the State of Maine's (SoM) financial information. In this way, you can measure where monies are collected and spent. You can categorize each transaction using independent characteristics so that you can record and report on financial activity. Another aspect of the chart of accounts is the consolidation of information into rollups that you can use for reporting and budgeting. The chart of accounts can accommodate many discrete elements, sub elements and multiple associations for establishing hierarchies and rollups.

Advantage addresses reporting needs - fund accounting, adherence to budget and other management tracking activities. Using its flexible coding structure, you can produce sets of financial reports in which the same dollar amounts can be classified in different ways: program managers receive reports that cut across organizational lines pertaining to specific programs; department managers receive reports for their organizations and programs; legislators receive appropriations reports. Advantage produces these reports from the same common database.



Fixed Assets

Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Fixed Asset Manual 05/12/2016 PDF
FA Document Instructions 05/12/2016 PDF
FD Document Instructions 05/12/2016 PDF
FM Transfer to Surplus Instructions 03/04/2013 PDF
FA Unpend Asset Shell Instructions 05/12/2016 PDF
What Triggers a Fixed Asset Shell to be Generated 01/16/2018 PDF
Fixed Asset Land Procedures 11/13/2008 PDF
Fixed Asset Custodians 01/13/2025 Excel
Fixed Asset Commodity Codes 06/11/2013 Excel
Fixed Asset Policy - See SAAM Page: Chapter 30 - Fixed Assets

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


Section Objectives:

  • Establish a fixed asset
  • Describe the shell generation process
  • Discuss system criteria to allow shell generation and review the policy for a missing shell
  • Create a Fixed Asset Acquisition (FA) Document manually
  • Add a Betterment to an existing fixed asset (FA)
  • Process adjustments to fixed assets by establishing Fixed Asset Documents (FD, FI, FP, FE, FX, FM, ME)
  • Transfer a Fixed Asset (FT)
  • Cancel a Fixed Asset (FC)
  • Dispose of a Fixed Asset (FD) (Acquisition/Disposition is validated against the Fixed Asset Disposition Method (FADM) table)
  • Review the Construction-in-Progress process and understand its relationship with Fixed Asset Documents
  • Review fixed asset inquiry tables (Fixed Asset Registry (FAR) Header, FAR Registry, FAR Accounting, FAPR, and Fixed Asset History (FAHIST))
  • Review fixed asset validation tables: Fixed Asset Disposition Method (FADM), Fixed Asset Group (FAGRP), Fixed Asset Group Class (FAGCS), Custodian (CUSD), Fixed Asset Capitalization Criteria (FACC), Fixed Asset Type (FATP), Location (LOC), and Location Class (LCLS)
  • Review System tables: Commodity (COMM) and Commodity Threshold Fixed Assets (COMMFA)
  • Review the approval process for fixed assets
  • Review fixed asset reports
  • Work with error messages and handling

This section will introduce you to how the State of Maine uses Advantage to run the Fixed Assets process. A fixed asset (FA) is an asset with a useful life of more than one year which is not consumed. An asset of an organization is classified as a fixed asset for accounting purposes.

Advantage Fixed Asset processes enable users to manage and control their organization's fixed assets throughout the life cycle of the asset. The tracking of a fixed asset begins with the acquisition of the asset, includes any maintenance transactions to record asset changes (such as improvements, modifications and transfers) and ends with asset disposal.

This section will also introduce you to the improvements made in the Fixed Assets business processes with the implementation of Advantage.



Cost Accounting

Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Cost Accounting Manual 06/08/2011 PDF
3.11 CAS Document (Entering a Grant) Instructions 10/23/2019 PDF
Entering a Project Instructions 06/08/2011 PDF
3.11 CAM Document (Modifying a CAS) Instructions 10/23/2019 PDF
3.11 JVC Document Instructions 10/23/2019 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


This message is to inform users of a change in workflow related to budget documents (BGPDR and BGPHR).  Any budget document where the default action code is set to ‘Reject’ will workflow to the Controller’s Office to be rejected.  This is to prevent decentralized budget structures from having constraints that cannot be overridden by the Controller’s Office when necessary (i.e. budget errors on interfaced payroll and stacap).  The only exceptions to this new workflow rule are for “Pre-Encumbered >=0” and/or “Encumbered >= 0

bgpdr constraints


This change is necessary to allow the Controller's Office to process transactions that include detail accounting, but for which budget errors are thrown; without this change, detail accounting would have to be removed manually and the transaction processed without detail accounting.

Section Objectives:

  • Define the chart of accounts cost accounting attributes
  • Describe the purpose of cost accounting reimbursable budget structures
  • Setup a Major Program structure and establish reimbursable budgets
  • Process accounting transactions that affect reimbursable budget structures
  • Describe the Cost Accounting transactions approval process
  • Review and correct validation and submission error messages
  • Describe the specific conventions adopted by Maine in each business area

Cost Accounting is the tracking of accounting events that are associated with a special purpose. The purpose could be defined by funding received from an outside entity like a Federal award or third-party award. Also, the purpose could be grouping costs together for internally defined reasons (for a special spending initiative or specific costs incurred to provide a service). In many cases, Cost Accounting activity is tracked for the purposes of billing an outside entity to reclaim some or all of the costs. In the State of Maine, Cost Accounting functionality is used primarily for grants and Federally-funded projects. It is similar to the Grant Accounting and Project Accounting modules in MFASIS in that it allows for the establishment of funding agreements, identification of costs and revenues by grant and project, and automated reimbursement of grant and project costs.

This section will introduce you to the use of the Major Program structure in the Cost Accounting business area of Advantage.


For Cost Allocation and STACAP information, please visit our Stacap page located in the Administration Section.



Document Date Format
1. Advantage Journal Template (Single or multi-page) 09/20/2017 Excel
2. Reporting Unit Request - Single Request 12/07/2015 Excel
3. Reporting Unit Request - Multiple Request 12/07/2015 Excel
4. Cash Management and Estimated Revenue Request (FY25) 05/02/2024 Excel
5. Petty Cash Authorization (New) 08/08/2013 PDF
6. Petty Cash Authorization (Update) 08/08/2013 PDF
7. Petty Cash and Change Account Reconciliation Revised Forms 07/02/2018 Excel
8. Signature Authorization - Updated
   (For Advantage Accounts Payable and Journal Voucher OSC Approval)
08/09/2023 PDF
Document Date Format
1. Vendor Activation/Change    (Form Instructions)
 (aka State of Maine Substitute W9)
02/21/2020 PDF
2. Vendor Deactivation 01/21/2010 PDF
Direct Deposit / EFT
Document Date Format
1. Direct Deposit / Electronic Funds Transfer Activation/Change
 Direct Deposit/EFT Guidelines   DD/EFT Form Instructions
(Note: If you are Paymode/Clareon vendor, you do not need to complete this form. Instead, please contact Paymode at 1-877-443-6944.)
03/21/2019 PDF
2. Direct Deposit / Electronic Funds Transfer Deactivation 04/16/2013 PDF

Effective May 11, 2015, MaineCare providers must access the Maine Integrated Health Management System (MIHMS) at the following link to register for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).  EFT Registration For MaineCare providers is now only available as part of Provider Enrollment or Provider Maintenance on the MIHMS Portal.

Document Date Format
1. Employee Direct Deposit Request 04/17/2008 PDF
2. Duplicate W-2 Request 11/17/2005 PDF
3. Replacement Check Request (SAL/SUP/PAY) 08/20/2009 PDF

4. Lost/Damaged Check Request (LOS) **Use for check being reissued**

Note: Please do not use this form's accounting codes on cash receipt if you are not planning to resissue payment.

08/20/2009 PDF

5. Payment Reversal Request **Use for check being stopped; no reissue**

11/17/2005 PDF
6. State Reimbursement 10/08/2019 PDF
7. W-4 Employees Withholding Certificate 2023 PDF
8. W-4ME State Employees Withholding Certificate 2023 PDF
9. Security Application (HR System & MEPERS) 03/08/2012 PDF
10. Security Application (MS-TAMS) 03/08/2012 PDF
11. MFASIS HR Transfer Request Form 06/10/2016 PDF
12. Agency Deduction Override Form 06/10/2016 Excel
13. Agency Regular Pay Form 06/10/2016 Excel
14. Agency Special Pay Form 06/10/2016 Excel
15. Longevity Merit Report of Lost Earnings 06/10/2016 Excel
16. Maine Direct Deposit Exemption Request Form 07/09/2020 PDF


Security Applications
Document Date Format
1. Advantage Security Form (Case Management) 06/03/2024 PDF
2. DAFS Analytics & SQL Financial Cube Security Application 10/04/2023 PDF


Document Date Format
1. Advance Voucher & Out of State Travel Request 11/01/2024 Excel / PDF
2. Air Travel Quote Submission 12/12/2006 Excel / PDF
3. Expense Voucher (Rate $0.50) 01/12/2024 Excel / PDF
4. Expense Voucher (Rate $0.54) - 11/01/2024 and after 11/01/2024 Excel / PDF
Document Date Format

1. For Internal State Use Only W9 State Completed (State is receiver of funds.)
   Note: Agencies are welcome to sign on behalf of.

This form is NOT to be used by outside vendors or VSS. Please use Substitute W9 under Vendor Forms.

08/27/2020 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).

**If you are having trouble downloading the form in Internet Explorer, please try using either Chrome or Firefox.  Or see instructions to change your PDF settings:  Frequently Asked Questions | Office of the State Controller (


This section is intended for State of Maine employees who are required to travel. The State Controller is required, with the approval of the Commissioner of Administrative & Financial Services, to establish policies for travel expense reimbursements. 

All Travel Forms can be located on the Forms page of this website under the heading "Travel".


Risk Management

State of Maine government is involved in a large number of diverse activities, spread out over a large geographic area. The State is responsible for government functions that must continue because they are essential to an orderly and reasonably safe society. Any level of loss can become significant, especially when those losses compromise the State's ability to carry out its organizational missions.

This is where Risk Management comes in. The risk management process is a specialized version of traditional problem solving. It addresses the set of business asset management that deal with losses and exposures to loss.

Who are we?

We are insurance, claims and loss control professionals. We pride ourselves on integrity, innovation, dedication to protection of lives and property, and good stewardship of the State's assets. We are committed to providing high-quality insurance, loss control and claims services to all state agencies, the State's higher educational institutions and some quasi-state agencies all at the lowest possible cost. This website will provide you with access to some of our services. Please check our site often, as we intend to keep it current and useful.


Need to contact us? Call 1-800-525-1252 or 287-3351


Risk Management Insures:

Risk Management Insures



Examines and audits all State payrolls; reviews and reconciles all payroll deduction accounts; coordinates with insurance and deferred compensation carriers; processes all garnishments and all court ordered payments; and processes all special payroll payments to employees and all retroactive payments. In an ongoing effort to provide timely information on central payroll and personnel issues, this site will highlight topics that are useful in State Departments day-to-day payroll and personnel operations.

All Payroll Forms can be found on the Forms page of this website.

*PLEASE NOTE: New IRS Withholding Tables Frequently Asked Questions

Upcoming Holiday Processing Schedules 2025

Cycle A - Early Payroll schedule for the February 19th pay date

  • Tuesday, February 11 Pay forms must be in Central Payroll by 12:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, February 12 MS-TAMS Agencies must complete lockdown by 2:00 p.m. Payroll officers who may need additional time to process time and attendance entries should contact Central Payroll before noon on Wednesday.
  • Thursday, February 13 OSC processes edits. Batch Pay processing will begin at 6:00 p.m.
  • Friday, February 14 Payroll Reports ready by 10:00 a.m. 
  • Monday, February 17 Holiday - President's Day


Internal Audit

Reviews statewide and agency level internal controls to manage risk of loss or misuse of assets, risk of inaccurate financial reporting and risk of non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Assists in the implementation of the internal control law (5 MRSA, §1541,sub-§10-A) and continued monitoring of compliance with this law. All findings resulting from external audits are followed up by this division to ensure that appropriate corrective action has been planned and implemented. The division performs information system audits on State systems that have direct effect or influence on the risks mentioned above. The division also pursues issues of potential financial impropriety and associated internal control implications.

Financial Reporting

The Financial Reporting & Analysis Division welcomes you to our website, which provides information for citizens, financial analysts, investors and State of Maine employees. We invite you to explore and make use of the information available on our website. The Financial Reporting & Analysis Division prepares and distributes numerous financial reports, including:

  • Maine's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which is prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP);
  • Maine's Schedule of Expenditures of Financial Awards (SEFA), which is prepared in accordance with the United States Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance;
  • The State's Monthly Undedicated Revenue Reports for the General and Highway Funds; and,
  • Selected budgetary financial information, prepared on the State's modified cash basis of accounting.

This Division is responsible for coordinating the annual financial closing process with all State agencies and Component Units; coordinating the annual financial audit and Statewide Single Audit with the State Auditor. This Division also coordinates reporting governmental capital assets, as well as trust and proprietary fund assets.

Members of our staff act as Agency Liaisons to provide technical assistance, training and information to CFO's and other financial personnel statewide. Our continuing goal is to help State agencies develop sound internal controls, properly record financial transactions, and comply with all applicable laws and rules relating to financial matters.



The State of Maine has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the FY19 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report marking the 13th consecutive year of recognition.


We are committed to providing comprehensive and useful financial information for the State of Maine. We hope you will find the information and services available on the website informative and useful. If you have suggestions or comments regarding the website, please send your comments to us at:


ERP Operations

The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Business Operations division is responsible for the day-to-day business operations and functional development and support of the Controller’s Office enterprise systems, including the Advantage Financial System and Data Warehouse Systems. The Division is also responsible for researching and analyzing business needs, formulating and defining scope, objectives and enhancements to existing OSC systems to meet the business needs of all departments using those enterprise systems.

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