
Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Batch Interface Event (BIE) Manual 08/11/2011 PDF
Batch Interface Partner Contact List 09/30/2022 Excel


INTERFACE FILES (Inbound and Outbound)

Inbound Interface Files
Type - INF Description Date Format
INF File Specifications New General System Design for INF File 04/03/2006 MFASISINF.GSD
Type - Cash Receipts Description Date Format
CR Document Specifications New General System Design for CR File 06/17/2010 MFASISCR.GSD
CR XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 06/17/2010 CR.XSD.XML
CRCC Document Specifications New General System Design for CRCC File 06/17/2010 MFASISCRCC.GSD
CRCC XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 06/17/2010 CRCC.XSD.XML
CREF Document Specifications New General System Design for CREF File 06/17/2010 MFASISCREF.GSD
CREF XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 06/27/2010 CREF.XSD.XML
Type - GAX Description Date Format
GAX Document Specifications New General System Design for Payment Voucher Interface 11/10/2021 MFASISGAX.GSD
GAX XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 02/02/2009 GAX.XSD.XML

The first attachment (MFASISGAX.GSD)contains the new design for the Payment Voucher (PV) interface. In new system terms, the new documents are referred to as "GAX" documents. This GAX design specifications comprise the following:

  • Document definitions and naming conventions
  • Document usage information
  • Logical components of the GAX XML document
  • GAX transaction layout - the current PV attributes are mapped to the new GAX attributes
  • Sample XML GAX document
  • Layout for the current PV document

The second document (GAX.XSD) contains the XML Schema that you can use to "validate" your files before sending them to us for testing.

Type - IET Description Date Format
IET Document Specifications New General System Design for IET 05/03/2006 MFASISIET.GSD
IET XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 05/03/2006 IET.XSD.XML
Type - PRC Description Date Format
PRC Document Specification New General System Design for PRC 03/21/2008 MFASISPRC.GSD
PRC XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 02/02/2009 PRC.XSD.XML
Type - RE Description Date Format
RE Document Specifications New General System Design for RE 03/01/2006 MFASISRE.GSD
RE XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 01/18/2006 RE.XSD.XML
Type - VCC Customer Description Date Format
Customer Document Specificiations New General System Design for Customer 02/21/2012 ADVMECUST.GSD
Customer XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 02/21/2012 CUST.XSD.XML
Type - VCC Vendor Description Date Format
Vendor Document Specificiations New General System Design for Vendor 05/26/2010 ADVMEVEND.GSD
Vendor XML Schema XML Schema used to validate files for testing 05/11/2009 VEND.XSD.XML


Outbound Interface Files
Type - Customer Extract Description Date Format
Customer File Specifications New General System Design for Customer File 02/27/2006 MFASISCUSTOMER.GSD
Customer File Specification 2 New General System Design for Customer File 10/26/2007 MFASISCUSTOMER2.GSD
Type - Vendor Extract Description Date Format
Vendor File Specifications New General System Design for Vendor File 11/09/2006 MFASISVENDOR.GSD
Vendor File Specification 2 New General System Design for Vendor File 10/26/2007 MFASISVENDOR2.GSD
Type - Payment Feedback Description Date Format
Payment Feedback Specifications New General System Design for Payment Feedback 11/06/2006 MFASISFEEDBACK.GSD


Financial Data Warehouse

DAFS Analytics

DAFS Analytics provides a single point of entry for the DAFS Data Warehouse. Depending on credentials, a user will be able to access Accounting, Human Resources/Payroll, and Budget data. Built on the Oracle Analytics Cloud Service (OACS) platform, the tool introduces a host of new features for the State of Maine, including: 

  • Data Visualization and Dashboards
  • Working with Governed and Ungoverned data sets
  • Enhanced sharing functionality, including scheduling agents
  • Improved performance and access to data

The tool provides all data that is currently accessed using GQL, the Cube, or SSRS Report Manager.  In some cases, e.g., Budget, the tool provides access to more data than is available today.  To gain access to DAFS Analytics, reach out to your agency trainer.

DAFS Analytics URL:

SharePoint site with additional information:

For training:

  • New users should contact their designated agency trainer - a list of trainers is available on the DAFS Analytics SharePoint site.
  • Training Materials, including a user manual and training videos, are available on the DAFS Analytics SharePoint site. Oracle also provides comprehensive step-by-step support manuals.

For access:

  • Security Application can be found at the following website, item #3 under Security Applications:
  • Work with your Security Coordinator to submit a Security Form to:
  • All users will need to submit a form - even if they have previously been approved for GQL, Cube or SSRS Report Manager access.
  • When logging in, don't enter you User ID and password, just click the link for your branch of Government.

For support:

  • If you need support beyond what you designated trainer can provide, please contact the Data Warehouse team via email at:
  • Priority will be given to GQL retirement issues - if you are unable to duplicate a GQL query in DAFS Analytics, please provide an example of how you pull the data in GQL, an the frequency and importance of the data to you.




The DAFS Data Warehouse will be migrating to the Oracle Public Cloud, marking completion of Phase 1 of the modernization projection, on Friday April 21st at 2:00 PM EST and continuing for the remainder of the day. During this time, GQL, "The Cube", and SSRS will be unavailable. The planned availability of GQL, "The Cube" and SSRS is 5:00 PM EST on Friday April 21st.

Moving to the cloud will result in improved response time and cost savings and will allow for a second phase to implement new tools, address security, data integrity and functionality deficiencies identified in the 2015 Gap Analysis and improve overall system performance while further increasing cost savings to the State of Maine. End user testing has begun and will continue through April 7th with a cross section of key resources and users.

General Announcement

The Office of the State Controller maintains various systems to provide State of Maine staff, managers and executives quick and easy access to the financial information needed to make timely and informed decisions.  It is essential that the State continuously improve the tools and techniques that we provide to make available information more consumable, relevant, timely and accessible.  Consistent with those principles, the Office of the State Controller (OSC) initiated this project to modernize and enhance the State's financial data warehouse, to improve the users' ability to access and utilize critical payroll, accounting, budget, and human resource information.  The purpose of this website is to inform users about this initiative, what is planned for the upcoming months, and the goals and objectives for the project.  We will update this website periodically to provide additional information regarding the Data Warehouse Modernization project.

In 1991, OSC implemented the Maine Financial and Administrative Statewide Information System (MFASIS), a mainframe accounting system.  This system integrated accounting, payroll, and human resource functionality into a single system that automated several manual work functions.  To maximize the usability of information contained in and generated by the MFASIS system, the State of Maine developed a financial data warehouse that was implemented in 1996.  The GQL financial data warehouse provided State agencies with access to a wealth of information that could assist them in meeting their reporting and auditing needs.

In 2007, OSC upgraded the MFASIS accounting system to a modernized solution called Advantage, which remains in place today.  GQL continues to be utilized today; however, the changes that were made to the underlying structure of the data in the Advantage system impact the effectiveness of the GQL solution. Since 2007, small systems implemented by various end users to meet their informational needs have proliferated.  Currently, there are at least twenty-six different data extracts providing source data to the GQL financial data warehouse.   Additionally, several State agencies are using two smaller reporting systems, the Cube and Report Manager, in conjunction with the GQL financial data warehouse to meet their reporting requirements. 

In early 2015, OSC collaborated with the Office of Information Technology (OIT) to perform a gap analysis on the State's financial data warehouse and associated reporting solutions, which was published in March of that year.  Overall, the findings indicated the State of Maine should implement a centralized, consolidated enterprise financial data warehouse solution.  In response to these findings, the OSC has initiated a multi-phase data warehouse modernization project to deliver an enterprise financial data analytics and reporting solution.  The first phase of the project will migrate the databases supporting the financial data warehouse, currently hosted in the State's data center, to the Oracle Public Cloud.  Our goal is to make this migration as seamless as possible to all end users.  Users will continue to access data using today's tools with no loss in functionality.  Subsequent phases of the project will implement new tools, address security, data integrity and functionality deficiencies identified in the 2015 Gap Analysis and improve overall system performance. 



Advantage 3.11 Access

Please make sure to update your bookmarks or favorites with this URL below.

Login Instructions

For Windows:

For MAC:  Use same link through emulator.

Please keep in mind, the website is supported for the following web browsers:

Windows PC Platforms (Desktop):

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 (For Windows 7) - Phasing out
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 (For Windows 8, 8.1, and 10) - Phasing out
  • Microsoft Edge v89
  • Mozilla Firefox ESR v78.6
  • Google Chrome v89
  • Safari v13

Mobile Platforms:

  • Apple Safari v13 with iOS 14
  • Chrome v89 with Android 10.x
  • Microsoft Edge v89 with Android 10.x


(Last certification 03/21/2021)

Advantage Hours of Operation:

  • 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • Some days the system may be up earlier than 7, however that is not guaranteed.
  • On occasion, the application may not be available during normal hours of operation.

For Daily Status or Outages


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I clear my cache?
  2. Are you having problems printing from Advantage?
  3. Are you having trouble printing from the REM's tables?
  4. How do I obtain or update access to Advantage, DocuWare, the Cube, and/or the Data Warehouse?
  5. What is the process for importing CSV file from Document Catalog?
  6. Are you having trouble opening PDF documents from internet browsers?


1. How do I clear my cache? (Chrome and Edge)

  1. Chrome:
    • Click on three dot (ellipses) menu at the top right-hand side of window Elipses menu for Chrome

    • Click on Settings
      click on Chrome settings

    • Click on Privacy and security
      click on Chrome Privacy and Security option

    • Click on Clear browsing data
      click Clear browsing data option

    • Make sure items are selected and click Clear data
      click Clear data option

  3. Edge:
    • Click on three dot (ellipsis) menu at the top-right corner of windowElipses menu for Edge

    • Click on Settings
      Click on settings for Edge

    • Click on Privacy and Security
    • Under Clear Browsing data, click on Choose what to clear
      Click on Privacy and security option and clear browsing data

    • Make sure items are selected and click Clear Now
      click on clear now option


2. Are you having problems printing from Advantage?

First, be sure that you are using Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11, and Adobe version XI or DC.

Then try the following steps to see if they help:

  1. Clear your cache (See FAQ #1 for instructions)
  2. In Internet Explorer, select "Tools" from the dropdown menu, then choose "Manage Add-ons"
  3. In the Manage Add-ons window, select "Show: All add-ons"
  4. Find "Adobe PDF Reader" under the name "Adobe,Inc." in the listing.
    Can you confirm that the Status is "Enabled"? If it is "Disabled", select "Enable" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  5. Next, let's check the Compatibility Settings
  6. Copy the Advantage link:
  7. In Internet Explorer, click "Tools" from the dropdown menu, then choose "Compatibility View Settings"
    compatibility view settings
  8. Under the heading "Add this website:", paste the Advantage link and click the button "Add". It should now show underneath as valid website.
    add url
  9. Then log out of Advantage and then log back in to see if this helps.


3. Are you having trouble printing from the REM's tables?

Be sure that you are highlighting the line that you want to print before selecting the "View Bill" link.



Also, see FAQ #2 to see if those steps can help resolve your printing issues.


4. How do I obtain or update access to Advantage, DocuWare, the Cube, and/or the Data Warehouse?

Both the Advantage Security Application and the DAFS Analytics Warehouse/SQL Cube Applications can be found in the Security Applications section of the OSC Forms page. The Advantage Application is used to obtain access to DocuWare.


5. What is the process for importing a CSV file from Document Catalog?

  1. Export the documents through the Document Catalog using the Export to CSV option

    CSV Image 1

  2. Click Export to CSV - Choose Save As option CSV Image 2

  3. Note: If you do not have the option to 'Save As', go to the browser settings, under Downloads, turn on 'Ask me what to do with each download'.
    CSV Image 2ACSV Image 2B

  4. Save file to Desktop or another folder on your computer. Change file extension from .csv to .txt

    CSV Image 3

  5. Open Excel and select File - Open. Find the .txt file that was just saved. After selecting the file to open, the Text Wizard import will open. Select Delimited and click on Next

    CSV Image 4

  6. Select the Comma Delimiters and click on Next (It displays the text into the Tabular format)

    CSV Image 5

  7. By default, column data format is General. Select the Doc Id Column and change the Format to Text, and click on Finish (Selecting the Text format helps to remove the leading zeros)

    CSV Image 6

  8. Verify the information in Excel – the full Document Id should be imported

    CSV Image 7


6. Are you having trouble opening PDF documents from internet browsers?

  1. Edge:
    • Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dot icon at the top-right corner. Select Settings

      PDF settings in Edge browser Image 1

    • Select Cookies and site permissions

      PDF setting in Edge browser image 2

    • Scroll down to PDF documents

      PDF settings in Edge browser image 3

    • Turn on the indicator for Always download PDF files

      PDF settings in Edge browser image 4

  2. Chrome:
    • Open the Chrome browser and click on the three-dot icon at the top-right corner. Select Settings

      PDF settings for Chrome browser image 1

    • Select Privacy and security

      PDF settings in Chrome browser image 2

    • Select Site Settings

      PDF settings in Chrome browser image 4

    • Scroll down to Additional content settings

      PDF settings in Chrome browser image 4

    • Select PDF documents

      PDF settings in Chrome browser image 5

    • Select the radio button Download PDFs

      PDF settings in Chrome browser image 6


For further questions, please contact us.

Training Requests and Information

For training in Advantage, please contact your Training Leads or email

For training materials by functional area, please visit the left hand navigation under the  Accounting section of this website.


Advantage Material Information
Document Date Format
3.11 Introduction to Advantage 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 Glossary of Terms 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 Document Approvals 02/13/2020 PDF
3.11 Reviewing Document Error Messages 10/15/2019 PDF
3.11 Setup a Contact Code 10/15/2019 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).

Advantage Navigation Videos

The below navigation videos can be viewed on this landing page, by viewing them directly from the Stream page by clicking on the URL link, or by selecting the arrow on the video itself to pop out.

Please note: You must be logged into the State of Maine network in order to view files.


Part 1 - Basic Navigation

Part 2 - Search Menu, Workspaces, Creating a Favorite, Understanding Tables

Part 3 - Documents


Vendor Information

Who is a Vendor?

Vendors can represent anyone receiving money from the State of Maine; such as service providers, clients, businesses and employees.

How does a Vendor receive payment?

To receive money from the State of Maine you must be enrolled in the State's vendor payment system (vendor file).

How to enroll in the vendor payment system?

To enroll in the vendor file, you must fill out and submit the Vendor Activation Form by U.S. Postal Mail to the Agency you are doing business with (e.g. Dept of Human Services, Dept of Labor, etc.). The Agency will enter the information into the system.

You MUST fill out the forms completely. Forms with missing information will NOT be processed. Please refer to the instructions for assistance in filling out the form.


NOTE: If you are a vendor wishing to bid for contracts and commodities with the State of Maine, please see the tab for Bidding Vendors.


Additional Information
Vendor Activation/Change W9 Form and Instructions - See Forms Page: Vendor #1
Vendor Deactivation Form - See Forms Page: Vendor #2



Manual & Reference Material
Description Date Format
Security & Workflow Manual 05/22/2022 PDF
Agency Security Coordinator List 03/04/2025 PDF
DAFS Analytics & SQL Financial Cube Security Application - See Forms Page: Security #2

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


Section Objectives:

  • Acquire the ability to prepare the Security Application
  • Understand security and workflow roles
  • Acquire a working knowledge of Security and Workflow
  • Understand the worklist functionalities
  • Change a password and create a password hint

This section will provide Agency Security Coordinators and Agency Supervisors working knowledge of how to create and update user profiles in Advantage. The Agency Security Coordinators and Supervisors are responsible for preparing the Security Application, understanding security and workflow roles, understanding worklist functionalities, and helping users to manage passwords.

This section will also discuss functionality for document approval processing. Advantage has the ability of routing documents through the Advantage workflow to one or more users for review/approval prior to finalizing the document. (Workflow provides the technical means of electronically routing document data to the next resource.) Agency Security Coordinators will be responsible for selecting the appropriate workflow roles based on users' approval rights when completing the Advantage Security Application.



Reporting & Research


Please Note: DocuWare has replaced the Fortis system.  Please reach out to security coordinators for access.

Reference Material
Description Date Format
DocuWare Training Guide 03/31/2022 PDF
DocuWare Importing Documents for Approval 03/24/2023 PDF
Advantage Security Form (includes DocuWare) - See Forms Page: Security #1



Reference Material
Description Date Format
Advantage Reports Crosswalk 12/08/2011 Excel
System Reports 12/08/2011 PDF

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).



Petty Cash

**PLEASE NOTE: All documents relating to petty cash transactions, i.e. cash receipts and journals, must include the Vendor/Customer Number of the account being altered.

To create a new petty cash vendor, complete Petty Cash NEW form in which OSC will create VCC document.

To update the name of custodian on existing petty cash vendor, complete Petty Cash UPDATE form and Agency should prepare VCM document on Advantage.

NOTE: When closing out a petty cash account, please make sure that the account balance has been fully cleared out before preparing a VCM document to inactivate the Vendor Code.

Please inform the Controller's Office of any intention of opening or closing out a petty cash account.

Reference Material
Description Date Format
Petty Cash Procedures* 02/10/2014 PDF
Petty Cash Checking Account Procedures* 08/22/2012 PDF
VCM - Modify Custodian on Petty Cash Account Instructions* 10/04/2016 PDF
Petty Cash Policy - See SAAM Page: Chapter 85 - Section 85.10
Petty Cash Form New* - See Forms Page: Accounting #5
Petty Cash Form Update* - See Forms Page: Accounting #6
Annual Reporting
Description Date Format
Petty Cash Memo FY2023 10/12/2023 PDF
Petty Cash Annual Reporting Form FY2023 10/12/2023 Excel

**Documents are supplied in PDF format and require the free Acrobat Reader for viewing or printing. If you need an alternate format, please contact us via email or phone (207-626-8420).


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