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Eligibility by Town for Maine Books By Mail Service
- Residents of the Maine towns with libraries are eligible for Books By Mail service because their local library is only open 12 hours or less weekly.
- Maine residents who are homebound due to disability are eligible regardless of their address.
- Residents of Maine towns that don't have a library and don't pay for library services at a nearby community are eligible. Find Maine Public Libraries by town.
If your town is on this list and you would like to register for Books By Mail, please print out the registration form and mail it in. For questions about why a library is or isn't on this list, please contact Outreach Services.
List of Eligible Towns
Select your county from the list below to find out of you are in a qualified town.
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Castle Rock
- Durham
- Leeds
- Livermore
- Sabattus
- Wales
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Bridgewater
- Cary Plantation
- Castle Hill
- Central Aroostook Unorganized Territory
- Chapman
- Connor Unorganized Territory
- Eagle Lake
- Easton
- Glenwood Plantation
- Grand Isle
- Hersey
- Macwahoc Plantation
- Mapleton
- Moro Plantation
- New Canada
- New Sweden
- Northwest Aroostook Unorganized Territory
- Oxbow Plantation
- Penobscot Indian Island Reservation
- Perham
- Portage Lake
- South Aroostook Unorganized Territory
- Square Lake Unorganized Territory
- St. Francis
- St. John Plantation
- Stockholm
- Wade
- Wallagrass
- Westfield
- Westmanland
- Winterville Plantation
- Woodland
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Frye Island
- Pownal
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Chesterville
- East Central Franklin Unorganized Territory
- Industry
- North Franklin Unorganized Territory
- Salem Township
- South Franklin Unorganized Territory
- Temple
- Weld
- West Central Franklin Unorganized Territory
- Wyman Unorganized Territory
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Central Hancock Unorganized Territory
- East Hancock Unorganized Territory
- Marshall Island Unorganized Territory
- Northwest Hancock Unorganized Territory
- Sedgwick
- Verona Island
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Benton
- Chelsea
- Fayette
- Manchester
- Rome
- Sidney
- Unity Unorganized Territory
- Windsor
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Criehaven Unorganized Territory
- Hope
- Matinicus Isle Plantation
- Muscle Ridge Islands Unorganized Territory
- Owls Head
- St. George
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Alna
- Hibberts Gore
- Jefferson
- Louds Island Unorganized Territory
- Monhegan Plantation
- Somerville
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Hebron
- Lincoln Plantation
- Magalloway Plantation
- Milton Unorganized Territory
- North Oxford Unorganized Territory
- South Oxford Unorganized Territory
- Stow
- Sweden
- Upton
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Alton
- Argyle Unorganized Territory
- Bradley
- Burlington
- Carroll Plantation
- Charleston
- Chester
- Clifton
- Derry
- Dixmont
- Drew Plantation
- East Central Penobscot Unorganized Territory
- East Millinocket
- Eddington
- Edinburg
- Etna
- Glenburn
- Greenbush
- Hermon
- Holden
- Howland
- Hudson
- Kingman Unorganized Territory
- Lagrange
- Lakeville
- Lee
- Lowell
- Mattamiscontis Township
- Mattawamkeag
- Maxfield
- Medway
- Mount Chase
- Newburgh
- North Penobscot Unorganized Territory
- Passadumkeag
- Prentiss Unorganized Territory
- Seboeis Plantation
- Springfield
- Twombly Ridge Unorganized Territory
- Veazie
- Webster Plantation
- Whitney Unorganized Territory
- Winn
- Woodville
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Abbot
- Atkinson
- Blanchard Unorganized Territory
- Bowerbank
- Brownville
- Jerusalem's Lot
- Kingsbury Plantation
- Lake View Plantation
- Medford
- Northwest Piscataquis Unorganized Territory
- Sangerville
- Sebec
- Southeast Piscataquis Unorganized Territory
- Wellington
- Willimantic
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Bowdoin
- Perkins Unorganized Territory
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Athens
- Brighton Plantation
- Caratunk
- Central Somerset Unorganized Territory
- Cornville
- Harmony
- Highland Plantation
- Jackman
- Lexington Township
- Northeast Somerset Unorganized Territory
- Pleasant Ridge Plantation
- Rockwood
- Seboomook Lake Unorganized Territory
- Smithfield
- The Forks Plantation
- West Forks Plantation
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Belmont
- Brooks
- Jackson
- Knox
- Monroe
- Morrill
- Northport
- Prospect
- Swanville
- Thorndike
- Waldo
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Alexander
- Baring Plantation
- Charlotte
- Codyville Plantation
- Columbia
- Columbia Falls
- Cooper
- Crawford
- Deblois
- East Central Washington Unorganized Territory
- Grand Lake Stream Plantation
- Harrington
- Jonesboro
- Machiasport
- Marshfield
- Meddybemps
- North Washington Unorganized Territory
- Passamaquoddy Indianship Reservation
- Passamaquoddy Pleasant Point Reservation
- Perry
- Robbinston
- Rogue Bluffs
- Talmadge
- Topsfield
- Vanceboro
- Waite
- Wesley
- Whiting
Residents of the following towns are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Newfield
All Eligible Towns in State of Maine
Residents of the following towns in Maine are currently eligible to apply for books by mail service:
- Abbot
- Alexander
- Alna
- Alton
- Argyle Unorganized Territory
- Athens
- Atkinson
- Baring Plantation
- Belmont
- Benton
- Blanchard Unorganized Territory
- Bowdoin
- Bowerbank
- Bradley
- Bridgewater
- Brighton Plantation
- Brooks
- Brownville
- Burlington
- Caratunk
- Carroll Plantation
- Cary Plantation
- Castle Hill
- Castle Rock
- Central Aroostook Unorganized Territory
- Central Hancock Unorganized Territory
- Central Somerset Unorganized Territory
- Chapman
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Chelsea
- Chester
- Chesterville
- Clifton
- Codyville Plantation
- Columbia
- Columbia Falls
- Connor Unorganized Territory
- Cooper
- Cornville
- Crawford
- Criehaven Unorganized Territory
- Deblois
- Derry
- Dixmont
- Drew Plantation
- Durham
- Eagle Lake
- East Central Franklin Unorganized Territory
- East Central Penobscot Unorganized Territory
- East Central Washington Unorganized Territory
- East Hancock Unorganized Territory
- East Millinocket
- Easton
- Eddington
- Edinburg
- Etna
- Fayette
- Frye Island
- Glenburn
- Glenwood Plantation
- Grand Isle
- Grand Lake Stream Plantation
- Greenbush
- Harmony
- Harrington
- Hebron
- Hermon
- Hersey
- Hibberts Gore
- Highland Plantation
- Holden
- Hope
- Howland
- Hudson
- Industry
- Jackman
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Jerusalem's Lot
- Jonesboro
- Kingman Unorganized Territory
- Kingsbury Plantation
- Knox
- Lagrange
- Lake View Plantation
- Lakeville
- Lee
- Leeds
- Lexington Township
- Lincoln Plantation
- Livermore
- Louds Island Unorganized Territory
- Lowell
- Machiasport
- Macwahoc Plantation
- Magalloway Plantation
- Manchester
- Mapleton
- Marshall Island Unorganized Territory
- Marshfield
- Matinicus Isle Plantation
- Mattamiscontis Township
- Mattawamkeag
- Maxfield
- Meddybemps
- Medford
- Medway
- Milton Unorganized Territory
- Monhegan Plantation
- Monroe
- Moro Plantation
- Morrill
- Mount Chase
- Muscle Ridge Islands Unorganized Territory
- New Canada
- New Sweden
- Newburgh
- Newfield
- North Franklin Unorganized Territory
- North Oxford Unorganized Territory
- North Penobscot Unorganized Territory
- North Washington Unorganized Territory
- Northeast Somerset Unorganized Territory
- Northport
- Northwest Aroostook Unorganized Territory
- Northwest Hancock Unorganized Territory
- Northwest Piscataquis Unorganized Territory
- Owls Head
- Oxbow Plantation
- Passadumkeag
- Passamaquoddy Indianship Reservation
- Passamaquoddy Pleasant Point Reservation
- Penobscot Indian Island Reservation
- Perham
- Perkins Unorganized Territory
- Perry
- Pleasant Ridge Plantation
- Portage Lake
- Pownal
- Prentiss Unorganized Territory
- Prospect
- Robbinston
- Rockwood
- Rogue Bluffs
- Rome
- Sabattus
- Salem Township
- Sangerville
- Sebec
- Seboeis Plantation
- Seboomook Lake Unorganized Territory
- Sedgwick
- Sidney
- Smithfield
- Somerville
- South Aroostook Unorganized Territory
- South Franklin Unorganized Territory
- South Oxford Unorganized Territory
- Southeast Piscataquis Unorganized Territory
- Springfield
- Square Lake Unorganized Territory
- St. Francis
- St. George
- St. John Plantation
- Stockholm
- Stow
- Swanville
- Sweden
- Talmadge
- Temple
- The Forks Plantation
- Thorndike
- Topsfield
- Twombly Ridge Unorganized Territory
- Unity Unorganized Territory
- Upton
- Vanceboro
- Veazie
- Verona Island
- Wade
- Waite
- Waldo
- Wales
- Wallagrass
- Webster Plantation
- Weld
- Wellington
- Wesley
- West Central Franklin Unorganized Territory
- West Forks Plantation
- Westfield
- Westmanland
- Whiting
- Whitney Unorganized Territory
- Willimantic
- Windsor
- Winn
- Winterville Plantation
- Woodland
- Woodville
- Wyman Unorganized Territory