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Ask A Librarian 
A variety of ways to get answers!
Use our online email form. You will receive a response within 2 business days.

Visit the library for in-person services
Hours and Directions (The library remains closed at this time)

Write us
Mail your question to Maine State Library, Attention: Reference, 64 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0064

Consult with a librarian individually
Consultations may be arranged by completing our online "Book a Librarian" form or calling directly at (207) 287-5608.

Research classes or request a group training for your organization or agency
Register for research classes, designed to provide an overview of available research resources and techniques. Call (207) 287-5600 to join a class. Please use this form to request a small customized group training. Members of the Reference staff are available to work with your group on research topics, or use of library databases.
Reference & Research
- We provide email, telephone, and walk-in assistance.
- Contact us if you need:
Quick fact checking - Help with the Digital Maine Library
- Directions for using URSUS
- Maine history or genealogy information
- General reference assistance
- Help finding information on Maine.Gov
For Maine Law or Legislative History
- Ask a Law Librarian
- Tel:207-287-1600
- TTY: Maine Relay 711