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MentorME: A Service to Link Maine Librarians
- MentorMe database; View the available mentors and areas of interest
- Sign up to become a mentor; sign up for mentoring school related areas
- Edit my mentor interests or availability
- Provide feedback of MentorME

Navigate the library maze with a mentor!
While the district consultants are always available to offer support and advice, sometimes a conversation with another librarian can also be helpful. The Maine State Library introduces the mentoring service to link librarians with questions to librarians who have working knowledge and experience to share in specific areas.
What is a mentor?
A mentor is an experienced person who willingly provides professional and useful advice to other librarians in order for him/her to achieve success. As a working librarian, you have a wide range of experiences to bring to a mentoring relationship. You can be a source of advice and information to someone who is having a difficult time and/or just needs some guidance in an area of librarianship. Being a mentor can provide you with the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life and to contribute to the library profession.
Why are mentors so important?
Mentors play a significant role in the lives of developing librarians by serving as teachers, coaches, counselors, and role models. They provide feedback and encouragement, offer advice, and help others make the connection between their present and future performance.
What is your role as a mentor?
- To serve as a guide sharing your work experience, triumphs, and struggles
- To listen, answer questions, and offer tips and suggestions for action
- Promote and encourage the importance of participation in statewide activities and learning opportunities
- Be a sounding board for ideas
- Assist in setting goals
- Provide feedback
What are the benefits?
- Sharing knowledge and experiences
- Assist in the growth of other library professionals
- Practice problem solving and listening skills
- Meet people with diverse experiences, education levels, and skills
- Collaborate with colleagues
What is your role as a mentee?
- Identify the skills, knowledge, and/or goals that you want to achieve
- Identify a mentor from the database (link)
- Take full advantage of this opportunity to learn
- Participate in statewide activities and learning opportunities.
- Give feedback to your mentor
What are the benefits?
- Access to a support system
- Insider perspective on librarianship
- Exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences
- Identify skill gaps
- Develop your skills in a safe environment
- Collaborate with colleagues
How to get started as a mentor
- Sign up to become a mentor in your areas of interest and expertise in any category from either list. sign up for mentoring school related areas
- Once contacted, let your mentee know how he or she can best reach you
- See #4-6 below
How to get started as a mentee
- Identify the area in which you would like to mentor or have help
- Search MentorMe database for a mentor
- Contact a mentor
- Let your mentor know how he or she can contact you
- Complete one of the sample mentoring agreements
- Provide feedback of MentorME so the program can improve as needed.