Maine Library Directories

  • Ability to search by town or library name and limit search by library type or county.
  • Ability to generate lists of libraries based on search criteria

This program is administered by the Maine State Library and partially funded by the federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)By a ruling of the Maine Library Commission these libraries meet the definition of an approved library found in the 1996 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and are eligible for assistance from the Maine State Library.

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  • Public Libraries (searchable by name of library, town or director; sort by county, town, wireless, automation software used and district.


  • Create an Excel file of all school library staff via Maine DOE's NEO Staff Contact Search. Follow the instructions and choose to get your data in an Excel spreadsheet.Be sure to choose Librarian/Media Specialist, and Ed Tech I,II,III for Library/Media,


  • Special Libraries (searchable by name of library, town or director; sort by county)

Reminder: For interlibrary loan please use MaineCat's ILL contacts and Who Loans What