Building Wood Duck Boxes
By Regional Wildlife Biologist Chuck Hulsey
When you see a wooden box on a post over shallow water, with a hole in the front, you probably know that it is a nest box for wood ducks. But did you know Maine has other duck species that need tree cavities in order to nest and rear young? Though developed for wood ducks, they are commonly used by Hooded mergansers and American goldeneyes. “Wood duck boxes” may be the most recognizable wildlife management technique of all.
Use of Prescribed Fire on Wildlife Management Areas
By Wildlife Biologist Mark Caron Increasingly MDIFW Regional Wildlife Biologists have been conducting prescribed burns on some of the wildlife management areas (WMAs) found throughout the state. Also known as ‘controlled burns’, this habitat managemen
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Harvest Planning and Layout at Frye Mountain WMA
Jeremy Clark – Resource Manager, Lands Program MDIFW’s Lands Program foresters have started laying out areas for a harvest operation at the Frye Mountain Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Knox. A Forest & Wildlife Management Operations Report, or harvest prescription, was developed in 2018 for a 643-acre compartment in the southeastern section of the 5,238-acre WMA. Compartment J has been cruised and wildlife habitat management goals and objectives have been identified based on current forest types, soils, and habitat features noted during the inventory, and in consulta
Easter’s On Its Way, And Peter Cottontail Needs Your Help!
[caption id="attachment_2798" align="alignright" width="518"] New England cottontails such as this one rely on thickets of dense shrubs and young trees.[/caption] By MDIFW Wildlife Biologist Cory Stearns With Easter nearly here, you might find yourself breaking into renditions of “Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on it’
Habitat Enhancement At Scarborough Marsh WMA Will Benefit New England Cottontails
[caption id="attachment_2448" align="alignright" width="291"] Some native plants, such as alders, willows and dogwood, can be planted using the live stake method, which is basically a branchless stick.
Katahdin Forest Management Helps Out Wintering Deer in Rockabema Deer Winter Area
By Allen Starr, IFW Wildlife Biologist Maine winters can be critical period for wildlife survival. Fortunately, Maine’s wildlife has developed adaptations and strategies to get them through long periods of cold temperatures and deep snow. White-tailed deer have developed a strategy of seeking out mature, coniferous forests that contain trees at least 35 feet in height and provide dense cano
Caribou Bog Wildlife Management Area
By Mark A. Caron, IFW Wildlife Biologist The Caribou Bog Wildlife Management Area is one of the state’s most unique WMAs.
Managing Deer Wintering Areas Is One Aspect Of A Regional Biologist's Job
By IFW Wildlife Biologist Scott McLellan [caption id="attachment_1963" align="alignright" width="318"] This photo (figure 1) shows a harvest block where a number of the white cedar trees were retained.[/caption] As a regional biologist, one of our responsibilities is working with landowners to manage deer win
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