Two turkeys size each other up at the forest's edge in autumn.

The Great Tick Debate

Have Turkeys Been Wrongly Accused for the Uptick? The best way to address this dispute is to look to science for the answers.

Three Black Bear Recipes to Try

You may have heard a myth that black bear meat isn't as palatable as other game meat... But with proper care and the right recipe, it may just become your favorite game to eat with friends and family!

Fish Recipes from MDIFW Staff

By Former Fisheries Management Section Supervisor Joe Overlock, Retired Director of Fisheries & Hatcheries Francis Brautigam, Wildlife Biologist Kendall Marden, and Holly Tremblay

After a day of fishing it is hard to beat going back to your house or camp and cooking your legal catch!

Wild Turkey Recipes

By Wildlife Special Projects Coordinator Bob Cordes and Maine Wildlife Park Game Keeper Emilie Cram

Your hard work has paid off. You scouted before the season began, practiced your turkey call, patterned your shotgun, and harvested a bird. Now it is time to enjoy your harvest with friends and family!

Here are three wild turkey recipes from MDIFW staff:

New Year’s Resolution: Eat more Lake Trout

By Fisheries Biologist Jacob Scoville

Enjoying The Bounty Of Your Hunt

[caption id="attachment_2042" align="alignleft" width="300"] Addison Turner, age 9 with her first Maine deer[/caption] Deer hunting in Maine is growing in popularity, and one of the reasons is due to the health benefits and fine taste of venison. Free-range and chemical-free, venison offers more protein per serving than beef or pork, is also lower in fat, and has fewer

The Maine Way Cookbook

Recently, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife reprinted the popular cookbook ‘The Maine Way’ – a collection of Maine Fish and Game Recipes. The cookbook was originally authored in 1978 by Judy Marsh and Carole Dyer, wives of game wardens John Marsh and Russ Dyer, and illustra