Mosquito Videos

This video shows the basic biology and life cycle of mosquitoes. This video describes symptoms and prevention methods for Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile virus.
This video describes mosquito habitats and methods to reduce mosquito habit around your home. This video describes ways you can reduce mosquito habitat around your home. By reducing the number of mosquitos near your home you can protect yourself and your family from mosquitos that may carry disease.
This video is a webinar that goes over mosquitoes and mosquito-borne illnesses in Maine and how to prevent them.  

Tick Videos

This video describes how to perform a thorough tick check to prevent tickborne diseases. This video shows the signs and symptoms of the tickborne disease, Powassan Encephalitis.
This video explains how to identify the deer (blacklegged) tick and the dog tick. This video describes symptoms and prevention methods of anaplasmosis.
This video describes symptoms and prevention methods for babesiosis. This video produced by UMaine demonstrates how to remove a tick.
This video outlines the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. This video demonstrates ways you can reduce tick habitat around your home.
This video is a webinar that goes over tick-borne illnesses in Maine and how to prevent them.  

Prevention Methods

This video describes how to choose a residential pesticide applicator. This video describes how to choose and apply personal repellents for ticks and mosquitos.