Vectorborne School Curricula

Maine CDC Division of Disease Surveillance designed and piloted school-based modules on various topics. Programs are free and include downloadable and printable: educator's guides, presentations, activity books, interactive activity instructions, and pre- and post-tests and answer keys.

Modules are mapped to Maine Learning Results in Health Education.


Distance Learning Materials


Vectorborne Curriculum Pre/Posttests

For schools participating in Maine CDC's Vectorborne Disease School Curriculum Training, please use this short pre and posttest during curriculum implementation. Schools or other youth groups who have not completed this training are still welcome to use the pre and posttests and return results to Maine CDC.

Mosquito Curriculum

Mosquitoes can spread several viruses and diseases in humans and animals. The two main viruses in Maine that are transmitted by mosquitoes are Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus and West Nile virus (WNV). Children in Maine ages 5-14 are a high-risk group for these viruses.

Target audience: Grades 3 - 8

Total instructional time: 60 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 40 minutes for games)

Educator’s Resources

Interactive Group Activities

Take Home Activities


Tick Curriculum

Ticks can carry pathogens (or germs) that cause several diseases in humans and animals. Tickborne illnesses found in Maine include Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Powassan, and Borrelia miyamotoi. Lyme disease is the most common tickborne disease in Maine and is found in all 16 counties. Children in Maine ages 5 to 14 are a high-risk group for Lyme disease.

Target Audience: Grades 3 - 8

Total instructional time: 60 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 40 minutes for games)

Educator's Resources

Interactive Group Activities

Take Home Activities


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