For Immediate Release: Thursday, May 2, 2019
Contact: David Heidrich, (207) 624-7491
Director of Engagement and Community Outreach, Office of Marijuana Policy
Office of Marijuana Policy will begin contract negotiations with tracking system provider with plans of launching service during fall 2019
PLEASE NOTE: The information contained below is superseded by the Office of Marijuana Policy's December 27, 2019 press release. This information is maintained for archival purposes only.
AUGUSTA – Today, the Office of Marijuana Policy, a part of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, announced the conditional award of a contract for marijuana track and trace services to Bio-Tech Medical Software, Inc. Once a contract is successfully negotiated, OCP will deploy BioTrackTHC, a cloud-based software product which uses barcode-based tags, to track the growth and distribution of marijuana and marijuana products throughout Maine.
The service, which is in use in eight other states and territories, will be utilized by both the existing Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program and Maine’s future adult-use recreational program.
“The selection of BioTrackTHC as Maine’s seed-to-sale tracking software is another important milestone for the Office of Marijuana Policy,” said OCP Director Erik Gundersen. “BioTrackTHC will be used by individuals and businesses choosing to participate in both the medical and recreational programs. We look forward to utilizing their solution to effectively regulate both industries.”
The State of Maine received proposals from six interested parties in response to request for proposals (RFP) #201903049. Bidders for this procurement included BioMauris, BioTrackTHC, Dauntless, Visual Vault, Metrc, and MJ Freeway. Out of a possible 100 points, the RFP review team gave BioTrackTHC’s proposal a score of 90 points. Bidders were scored on organizational qualifications and experience, proposed services, and cost. The next closest bidder was Metrc, with 69.73 points.
A copy of the selection package can be viewed on the Division of Procurement Services website.
A seed-to-sale tracking system is a supply chain management tool which uses tags to track the growth and distribution of marijuana and marijuana products. Its deployment in Maine will help ensure licensee compliance with state law, prevent diversion of product from the regulated market to the black market, and assist the state in ensuring the safety of product being made available to consumers.
In March, OCP announced it had withdrawn from a contract agreement with Metrc to provide track and trace services for Maine’s medical program. Original plans had called for expanding that agreement to adult use marijuana later; however, the Office of the Attorney General advised OCP staff that a competitive procurement for the services would be a more appropriate alternative.