Produce Safety Resource Library

These produce farm food safety and regulatory resources are curated from trusted sources (see Websites). We attempted to pull videos, podcasts, and training modules in addition to the typical factsheets. Please let us know if you are unable to find a resource that suits you and would like help finding something else.

Produce Safety Rule

Note: For information on USDA AMS Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audits go to the Maine DACF Federal/State Inspection Service or the USDA AMS page. Tip: Make sure you review the audit standard which is the auditor instructions for the audit checklist.

Note: View additional links on the Produce Safety Rule (FSMA) page

DACF Presentations

Safe Produce for All – Farm Food Safety Coloring Book

This produce food safety coloring book was developed through a collaboration between the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry and the artist, Leah Cook, for education and outreach purposes. Learn how produce farms manage microorganisms and how consumers do their part by handling produce safely. Thank a farmer hero with artwork!

Printing Instructions:

Option 1 – Professional printing, folded book style

Individual Pages for professional printing, folded book style with 4 pages per sheet:

Individual Pages:

  1. Front Cover (White background) (PDF) / Front Cover Color (PDF)
  2. Inside front cover credits, resources, funding statement (PDF)
  3. Page 1 – Microorganisms are like really small bugs that we can't see without a microscope. They can be everywhere! (PDF)
  4. Page 2 – Some are good, some are bad. Bad ones can make people sick. (PDF)
  5. Page 3 – Good ones usually outnumber the bad ones, and keep the bad ones in check by competing for resources. (PDF)
  6. Page 4 – Farmers know where the bad ones are likely to be. (PDF)
  7. Page 5 – Farmers know the 6 things bad ones need to grow. 1. Food; 2. Acidity (PDF)
  8. Page 6 – 3. Time; 4. Temperature (PDF)
  9. Page 7 – 5. Oxygen; 6. Moisture (PDF)
  10. Page 8 – Farmers know water can spread the bad ones around. (PDF)
  11. Page 9 – Farmers know how to manage the bad ones by using safe water while growing. (PDF)
  12. Page 10 – Farmers know how to manage the bad ones by keeping equipment clean and well maintained. (PDF)
  13. Page 11 – Farmers know how to manage the bad ones with employee training and personal hygiene. (PDF)
  14. Page 12 – Farmers know how to manage the bad ones by avoiding them. (PDF)
  15. Page 13 – People know to wash their fresh produce before eating it, keep cut produce in the refrigerator, and consume it within 7 days. (PDF)
  16. Page 14 – artwork (PDF)
  17. Page 15 – Tear Out Page (PDF)
  18. Page 16 – Food Safety Science Summary (PDF)
  19. Page 17 - blank page
  20. Back Cover art (PDF)

*The blank page can be located on the inside back cover or the back side of the tear out page and can be used to include additional information or resources if desired.

Option 2

Print on 8.5x11 and staple. This file will print the pages in order.


All Coloring Book Pages (PDF)

Resources by Topic

Crop Specific Resources




Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training


Note: For Subpart E of the Produce Safety Rule, Harvest and Post-harvest water requirements (handwashing, produce/equipment washing) were finalized and go into effect 2023 for Large farms, 2024 for Small farms, and 2025 for Very Small farms. An additional year before official enforcement is allowed for each farm size category to allow for education. The requirements for Pre-harvest water (irrigation, chemical application, etc.) have not been finalized. We will provide updates when we get them and expect extra time after pre-harvest rules are finalized to allow for education of affected farms. Some of the resources below refer to pre-harvest water as “process” water.

Water Testing

Washing Produce

Soil Amendments of Animal Origin


Buildings, Equipment, & Sanitation

Cleaning & Santizing

Records, Templates, Food Safety Plans & Signs
