Clean Energy Entrepreneur: Cole Ellis

Clean Energy Entrepreneur: Cole Ellis

A Mainer with an entrepreneurial spirit, Cole Ellis, 19, of Searsport, seized the opportunity to forge a green career path for himself at an early age — and he’s not done yet.

“Maine is important to me because I grew up seeing how beautiful the state can be,” he said. “And heat pumps are the most efficient heating source.”

Ellis owns and operates Keep It Clean Heat Pumps, a business he started as a high school junior in Searsport, with a name his mom helped him devise. Thanks in part to a 40-hour heat pump installation and certification course at Kennebec Valley Community College, funded by the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan, Ellis provides cleaning and air quality services in the Midcoast area to the growing number of heat pump owners to help maximize their home heating efficiency.

“It’s important for our generation to get involved with climate change because we’re the ones that are going to be living in this environment,” he said.

Now a rising sophomore at Thomas College, Ellis has two employees and continues to grow his business when he’s not at school to keep up with demand.

“I would encourage anybody to get into the environmental fields, especially because this is your future.”