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Women Veterans Plaque Recognition and Commemorative Coins

Women Veterans Plaque Dedicated February 18, 2011 in the State House Hall of Flags
On Friday, February 18, 2011, the women veterans' plaque was dedicated in the State House Hall of Flags in honor of Maine's women veterans. The fund raising process began in July 2010 to raise the necessary funds for purchasing the plaque and also to purchase silver commemorative coins in the likeness of the plaque to present to Maine's women veterans. Through the many generous private donations received from businesses, companies, veterans' service organizations, and individuals, the Bureau was able to raise the funds to purchase the plaque and purchase some silver commemorative coins designed in the likeness of the plaque for our women veterans.
If you are a Maine female veteran and have not been recognized with the silver commemorative coin, please click one of the links below to download the application and mail it to the address shown on the application along with a copy of your DD214, DD214 equivalent or NGB22 form.
About the Recognition Plaque
After months of planning, a design depicting Maine women who served in different US military capacities over four centuries was chosen. This included the 18th Century - Hannah Watts Weston, Revolutionary War a PATRIOT; 19th Century - Emily W. Dana, Civil War Union Army NURSE; 20th Century - Patricia A. (Chadwick) Erickson, WWII Army Air Force SERVICE PILOT; and 21st Century - Annette M. Bachman, War on Terrorism, Maine Army National Guard.
Annette Bachman posed for the plaque and was on hand at the press conference. The plaque was designed by Maine artist Gary Cooper.
We would like to thank the individuals, organizations and businesses for their generosity in making a contribution towards the plaque and their dedication to honoring women veterans.