Boards & Commissions

Board Reports and How to Participate

In the State of Maine, more than 260 boards and commissions are charged with jobs and responsibilities as varied as the work of State Government itself. Members of these boards and commissions often perform the critical role in our democracy of informing the public and elected officials about important and complex issues. Many dedicated citizens provide invaluable service to Maine through their work on boards and commissions.

  • New image2025 Boards & Commissions, New Appointment or Reappointment Report - This is an annual report of new appointments or reappointments that must be made during 2025. In addition, this report separately lists appointments or reappointments that have not been made from previous years through December 31, 2024, and where vacancies exist on a board or commission that need an appointment.

If you are interested in serving on a particular board or commission, please review the following reports to identify vacancies:

As always, the staff in the Secretary of State's office is ready to assist you with any questions about these reports. If you need additional assistance or information, please contact the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions at (207) 624-7752 or by writing to this office at 101 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0101.

For information about the Governor's personal and confirmable appointment process, please visit the Governor's website at Boards and Commissions.