Submit Genealogist Information for Statewide List

Approval is required before being added to the Genealogy researchers database. You will be contacted by email once approved and added to the list or sent an email why you were denied approval.

If you do not have an email or need help with this form, please contact your local library to help you set up an email account or call the reference desk at the State Library - 207.287.5608. Contact the State Library Reference Staff.

Important: All required* fields need to be completed so we can contact you if we have questions.

Requirements for Approval

To be added to this statewide list an individual must be sponsored by a library, historical society, genealogy society, or certified as professional genealogist (see the Board for the Certification of Genealogists)

* = Required fields

Contact Information - Most fields are required
  1. [format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx]
  2. [prefer an email]
  3. [format: yyyy-mm-dd]
County Expertise

Choose "All Maine Counties" if you cover the whole state.

Subject Area Speciality
  1. Do you have a specific area of expertise? Please describe below.
Certification and/or Accreditation
  1. Please list any certifications you may have. There are different certifications and different groups that certify. The “Board for the Certification of Genealogists” is the best nationally recognized organization.

Genealogical Researcher ID and Genealogy Society Membership
  1. Do you have a Maine Genealogical Researcher ID card from Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC)

  2. Are a member of a genealogical society? If yes, please list which one(s).

Submit Form

Please be sure to check all your information before submitting.