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Maine Academic Libraries
Library Name City/Town Library Phone
Bates College - Ladd Library Lewiston 207.786.6263
Beal University Library Bangor 207-307-3900
Bowdoin College - Hawthorne Longfellow Library Brunswick 207.725.3280
Central Maine Community College Learning Commons Auburn 207.755.5266
Colby College Libraries Waterville 207.859.5104
College of the Atlantic - Thorndike Library Bar Harbor 207.801.5665
Eastern Maine Community College Library Bangor 207.974.4808
Husson University Library Bangor 207.941.7188
Kennebec Valley Community College - Lunder Library Fairfield 207.453.5004
Landing School of Boatbuilding & Design Arundel 207.602.4800
Maine College of Art & Design - Joanne Waxman Library Portland 207.775.5153
Maine Maritime Academy - Nutting Memorial Library Castine 207.326.2263
New England Bible College South Portland 207.799.5979
Northern Maine Community College - Edmunds Library Presque Isle 207.768.2734
Saint Joseph's College - Wellehan Library Standish 207.893.7725
Southern Maine Community College Library South Portland 207.741.5521
Thomas College Library Waterville 207.859.1204
Unity Environmental University New Gloucester 207.509.7178
University of Maine - Raymond H. Fogler Library Orono 207.581.1661
University of Maine at Augusta - Katz Library Augusta 207.262.7905
University of Maine at Augusta, Bangor Campus - Nottage Library Bangor 207.262.7905
University of Maine at Farmington - Mantor Library Farmington 207.778.7210
University of Maine at Fort Kent - Blake Library Fort Kent 207.834.7527
University of Maine at Machias - Merrill Library Machias 207.255.1234
University of Maine at Presque Isle - UM-Presque Isle Library Presque Isle 207.768.9595
University of Maine School of Law - Garbrecht Law Portland 207.780.4818
University of New England - Abplanalp Library Portland 207.602.3000
University of New England - Jack S. Ketchum Library Biddeford 207.602.3000
University of Southern Maine Libraries & Learning - Glickman Library Portland 207.780.4276
USM Libraries & Learning - Gorham Campus Gorham 207.780.5345
USM Libraries & Learning - Lewiston Auburn College Library Lewiston 207.780.6540
Washington County Community College Library Calais 207.454.1050
York County Community College Library Wells 207.216.4393