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Automating Your Maine Library
Maine InfoNet manages two systems open to Maine libraries. Libraries must apply for membership in the consortia.
- Minerva - https://www.maineinfonet.org/minerva/about/
- MILS - https://www.maineinfonet.org/mils/about/
To learn about joining either Minerva or MILS, please contact James Jackson Sanborn at Maine InfoNet.
Maine Balsam Consortia - https://www.mainebalsamlibraries.org/
An independent consortia of public, school, academic, and health libraries that utilizes Evergreen software with tech and librarian mentor support. Maine Balsam is working with Maine InfoNet to integrate the system into the statewide catalog, MaineCat. To learn more about joining Maine Balsam, contact Balsam President, Nancy Grant.
Library World - http://www.libraryworld.com/
A group of over 50 small Maine libraries use the cloud-based Library World automated system as a first step in their automation journey. Contact Jared Leadbetter for more information and guidance.
Open Source
- Open Source: An Overview of Software for Libraries by Janet McKenney, [PDF, 99 KB] developed Spring 2009
- Open Source as PowerPoint [requires Microsoft PowerPoint to open, 219 KB]
Automate ME
- Automation Basics for the Small Public Library.pdf [PDF, 3.58 MB]
- LibraryWorld User Manual [PDF, 3.83 MB] This file requires the free Adobe Reader.
This document was created by MSL Staff as part of the AutomateMe grant project. - List of worldwide Z39.50 servers available for copy cataloging
- Get Automated – Bring Your Library into the 21st Century
- Automation software feature comparisons with links to demos, tutorials and websites
- School libraries: software comparison
- Web2Marc Generation Tool online (free) tool that creates MARC records for online resources.
- Need to ask a specific question? Contact Jared Leadbetter and he'll point you in the right direction!