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MaineWatch Programs
30 min. each; 7-12; Current Issues, Maine Studies, Social Studies
MaineWatch tackles the significant issues facing Maine and brings together leaders from government, politics, business, education, and social, religious, and environmental groups to discuss and debate the major issues of the week. Each weekly program features a field report framing the issue, followed by discussion and commentary.
- #245 Year In Review
- #246 Legislative Preview
- #247 HIV in Maine
- #248 State of the State Reaction
- #249 Schools
- #250 Democratic Caucus
- #251 State Trash
- #252 Workers Compensation
- #253 Medical Errors
- #254 Liquid Natural Gas
- #255 Lewiston/Auburn Economy
- #256 Homeland Security
- #257 Long Creek Youth Center
- #258 Question 1 - Taxes
- #259 Bishop Richard Malone
- #262 Casper Weinberger
- #263 Turnpike
- #264 AMHI
- #265 DHS
- #266 George Mitchell
- #267 Rebuild Route 1
- #268 Charter School
- #269 Dirigo Health
- #270 The Green Party
- #271 Stem Cells
- #272 University of Maine System
- #273 Prescription Drugs
- #274 Young Voters
- #275 No Child Left Behind
- #276 Reporter Roundtable
- #277 Veteran's Day
- #278 Voting System
- #279 Hunger in Maine
- #280 Maine's Indian Tribes
- #281 Autism
- #282 Lottery
- #283 Financial Aid
- #284 Gay Rights
- #285 Social Security
- #286 Sports Done Right
- #287 Identity Theft
- #288 Olympia Snowe
- #289 End of Life
- #290 Obesity
- #291 Sustainable Agriculture
- #292 Freedom of Information
- #293 Base Closings List
- #294 Green Party
- #295 Spindleworks
- #296 Eco-Tourism
- #297 Aquaculture
- #298 Freedom of Information
- #299 Base Closing List
- #300 Homeland Security Training
- #301 Methamphetamines
- #302 Islands
- #303 Animal Cruelty
- #304 Real Estate Boom
- #305 Plum Creek
- #306 American Folk Festival
- #307 Who Owns Maine's Water
- #308 Estate Tax
- #309 Youth Suicide
- #310 Intelligent Design
- #311 Bill Curtsinger
- #312 Anti-Discrimination Vote
- #313 Borrowing by Ballot
- #314 Examining Exam
- #315
- #316 Conversation with David Brancaccio
- #317 Hybrid of Hype
- #318-#A Native Art
- #319-#B Bird Flu
- #320-#C Medical Intuition
- #321-#D Patient Care
- #318 Reporter Round Table
- #319 Medicare Headaches
- #320 Winter Dollers
- #321 Do the Math!
- #322 Rx for Doctors
- #323 Lights, Action, Maine!
- #324 Made in Maine:Babies
- #325
- #326 Casper Weinberger
- #327 Plum Creek Revised
- #328 Maine Gun Laws
- #329 Democratic Candidate
- #330 Republican Candidates
- #331 Democratic Candidates
- #332 Maine's New Poet Besty Sholl
- #333 Hannah Holmes
- #334 James Dodson
- #335 Wesley McNair
- #336 Richard Ford
- #337 Ira Sadoff
- #338 Opportunity Maine
- #339 Newspaper Edorsements
- #340 Reporters Roundtable
- #341 How to Protect Marine Mammals
- #342 National Animal ID
- #343 Community Colleges/Labor Shortage
- #344 Maine Legislature Preview
- #345 Leon Gorman
- #346 Allen and Michaud
- #347 Governor Baldacci
- #348 State Budget
- #349 OUI Offenders
- #350 Windfarms
- #351 War in Iraq
- #352 Fish Exchange
- #353 School Consolidation
- #354 Senator Susan Collins
- #355 Brookings Report
- #356 Gun Law MOM
- #357 Predatory Lending in Maine
- #358 Online Ethics
- #359 Tribal Racino
- #360 Climate Change
- #361 Future of Androscoggin River
- #362 Electric Utilities
- #363 Stories of Hope from Long Creek
- #364 Prison Overcrowding
- #365 Opiate Addiction in Miane
- #366 Breast Cancer Diaries
- #367 Chemical Body Burden
- #368 Legislative Wrap-up
- #369 Independent Pharmacies
- #370 Women in the Workplace
- #371 Gateway/David Rockefeller
- #372 Brain Drain
- #373 Woodward/Cohen
- #374 Somali Bantu
- #375 Elder Abuse/Sex Ed.
- #376 Program Referendam
- #377 Asia Trade/Glickman
- #378 Portland Economy
- #379 Thanksgiving Show Veterans
- #380 Fair Point ?Verizon
- #381 Geroge Mitchell
- #382 Plum Creek
- #383 Gulf of Maine
- #384 Brunswick Navel Station
- #385 State of the State Reaction?Discussion
- #386 Sen. Collins/Rep. Allen
- #387 Heating Oil Crisis
- #388 Colgan/Stem
- #389 Contemporary Art
- #390 Presld. Caucus Wrap/Solar Church
- #391 State Budget Shortfall
- #392 Home Heating Oil Part #2
- #393 Nurses
- #394 Phllanthropy in Maine
- #395 Foreclosure
- #396 Real ID/Youth Court
- #397 Birds
- #398 Legislative Wrap
- #399 Chief Francis/Underage Drinking
- #400 U.S Senate/Muskie Archive
- #401 Democratic Primary 1st Dis.
- #402 Primary Elections
- #403 Gas Prices
- #404 Attracting Businessess to Maine
- #405 Hunger
- #406 FairPoint
- #407 Food Cluster
- #408 Passport Changes
- #409 General Libby/DAV Van
- #410 Invasive Species/Robots
- #411 Tax Foundation Report
- #412 Funerals & Burials
- #413 Ecotourism
- #414 New England/Eastern Canada Conf.
- #415 Susan Gendron/Plum Creek Update
- #416 Harness Racing/State Treasurer
- #417 Ballot Questions #1, #2
- #418 2nd Cong. District Debate Analysis
- #419 U.S. Senate Debate Analysis
- #420 1st Cong. District Debate Analysis
- #421 Election Wrap: Pingree/Pundits
- #422 Composites Cluster
- #423 Winter Fuel Outlook
- #424 Buy Local/DTV
- #425 Adoption Legislative Leaders
- #426 Maine Banks
- #427 LifeFlight/Recycling
- #428 Year in Review/Bert and i
- #429 Unemployment Economy
- #430 ISO (New England Power Grid)
- #431 Staying Warm & Maine State Museum
- #432 Gay Marriage & Faith Audubon
- #433 Prostrate Cancer & Hartley Paintings
- #434 Media Landscape
- #435 Budget & Stimulus
- #436 Healthcare Shortages
- #437 Student Debt.
- #438 Dark Skies Peary
- #439 Election Analysis/Great Works Dam
- #440 Aging Out Of Foster Care
- #441 Impact on Maine: Supreme Court Decision on Affordable Care Act.
- #442 Jame Page/Fruit Fly
- #443 Truth and Reconciliation
- #444 Coastal Waters
- #445 Charter School Update/Malaga Island