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Communication Videos
Bullying: What to Do About It
60 min; 7-12; Communication, Current Issues, Guidance, H uman Rights; Produced by: Maine Public Television (2000)
Explores who is at risk to be a bully, or to be a bully's victim. Viewers will discuss how the seeds of this problem can occur in preschool or even earlier, and learn how some students - from the Attorney General's Civil Rights Team Project and other innovative programs - are leading the movement to rid Maine 's schools of bullying. The program also features a panel of experts and students, along with a mini-documentary, with information and resources on how to cope with this growing problem.
Cross Burning: Two Views
30 min.; 9-12; Communication, Social Studies; Produced by: Modern Media Institute (1983)
Comparison between television and newspaper coverage of a Ku Klux Klan meeting held near Tampa , Florida .
Free Press, Fair Trial
60 min.; 7-12; Communication, Criminal Justice, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Public Television (1995)
A round table of experts from the courts, the legal profession, and the media examine and discuss the inevitable conflicts between the rights of a free press in America and the right to a fair trial for those accused of crimes.
Help Wanted
8 programs - 15 min. each; 7-12; Agriculture, Career Education, Comminication, Criminal Justice, Guidance, H ealth; Distributed by: International Telecommunication Services (1987)
Help Wanted investigates a variety of vocations for the student who is preparing to enter the work force or go on to college. Job preparation and survival are discussed by people who are active in the fields discussed. The responsibilities and the skills needed for each occupation are discussed.
- Registered Nurse
- Television & Radio Broadcasting
- Medical Technologist
- Animal Health Technologist
- Secretarial Science
- Educationist
- Law Enforcement
- Agriculturist
Teens 'N Theatre 2
30 min.; 5-8; Alcohol & Drug Education, Communication, Guidance, H ealth, Fine Arts, Self Awareness, Teacher Education; Produced by: Adolescent Pregnancy Coalition (1987)
Improvisational theatre is being used nationwide in successful adolescent pregnancy and drug and alcohol prevention programs. In 1986, the Adolescent Pregnancy Coalition funded a new theatre group at Skowhegan Junior H igh to impact on the issues facing fifth through eighth graders. The troupe of 35 young people, under the direction of Marti Stevens, performs for schools and organizations statewide. The program explores the process by which young teens and school officials can cooperate in addressing the issues of adolescent sexuality, peer pressure, alcohol and drug abuse, self-esteem building, inter-generational communication and drop-out prevention. It also shows how teen theatre works to motivate students and to improve the overall communication climate in a school. It can serve as a framework for replication of the teen theatre concept in your school district or as background and preview before inviting TNT 2 to visit your school.
What Do You Say?
30 min.; 6-8; Alcohol & Drug Education, Communication, Guidance, H ealth, Self-Awareness; Produced by: Maine Association of Broadcasters (1998)
This program is aimed at helping parents of middle-school-aged children talk honestly and openly with one another about alcohol. Program segments include "role-playing" conversations between adults and adolescents and round-table discussions of typical situations involving alcohol that call for parental reaction.
Words Count with Mark Brown
60 min.; K-12; Communication, Current Issues, Guidance, H uman Rights; Produced by: Maine Public Television (2000)
Recorded before a live audience at Brunswick High School 's Crooker Theater, Words Count with Mark Brown addresses the issues of tolerance, diversity, name calling, teamwork and relationship building.
Workplace Essential Skills
24 - 30 min. programs ; 9-12 ; Career/Vocational Education, Communication, Guidance, Language Arts, Mathematics ; PBS Adult Learning Service
Workplace Essential Skills is an extraordinary instructional package that teaches how to find, keep and thrive in the job. Use it in classes, workshops, training, outreach or even distance education programs. This is designed for pre-GED (sixth to eightth grade reading level) adult learners. It develops job search, reading, writing, math, and communication skills.
- Orientation: Making it Work
- Planning to Work
- Matching Skills and Jobs
- Applying for Jobs
- Resumes, Tests, and Choices
- Interviewing
- Ready for Work
- Workplace Safety
- Learning at Work
- The Language of Work
- Communicating with Co-workers and Supervisors
- Working Together
- Communicating with Customers
- A Process for Writing
- Supplying Information: Directions, Forms, and Charts
- Writing Memos and Letters
- Reading for a Purpose
- Finding What You Need: Forms and Charts
- Following Directions
- Reading Reports and Manuals
- Solving Problems
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
- Measurements and Formulas
- Trends and Predictions: Graphs and Data