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Educational Media Services
Educational Video Library
Each year, we review both content and usage to update our library of over 1700 educational video titles (which as of 2003, now contains some titles available in DV-tape and DVD-format).
For complete and the most current information on this library, and for directions on both content and ordering, see Maine State Library Educational Video Library
Digital Video Services
Video acquisition, editing, archiving, and restoration in digital formats are all available from the Educational Media service at MSL. This includes mini-DigitalVideo and DVCAM tape formats, digital-file storage, and CD or DVD transfer capabilities.
Tape Duplication
VHS and SVHS & DVD & Mini DV format transfers from these and digital formats, and from international one-half inch video tape formats. We also do cassette.
Video-Production, Consultation, and Technical Support
MSL staff are available for assistance in planning and implementing both video and multimedia projects. This can take the form of consultations on equipment purchases, specific project planning, and (on a limited basis) direct production assistance with MSL equipment.
For more information on any of these services, contact Alan Fecteau or call him at 207-287-5617.